Mr. Clifford (malum/lashton)

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Prompt: "I wish your step mom wasn't a bitch"

"I wish she was open minded and creative, and knew how to be serious but fun all the same"

"I wish she could make lasagna and cookies and all sorts of things so we could snack when I came over"

"I wish she was sweet...and asked me how I was"

"Just like Mr. Clifford?"

Luke/Ash: 2014
Michael/Calum: 2018
"Ashton Irwin"

"Oi, Michael! How's it going dude?"

"Mr. Clifford to you young man, now tell me, what are you doing here? I certainly don't remember having you in my first period art class"

Michael crossed his arms and arched a brow at honey blonde who paused, before breaking out into a sheepish smile, fingers scratching behind his neck.

"Well no, but lu has his class and I certainly can't hang out with him in the back of Mr. Rogers room"

"So the hanging can wait, you come here every morning and disrupt my class"

"Oh, don't take it to heart. Anyways, poor Luke's having a rough day"

For the first time in the last few minutes, Luke contributed, eyes drifting upward, instantly softening Michael's heart. Despite the layer of foundation over his cheek, the swelling purple was peeking out, accentuating Luke's pale skin. His eyes were dull and red, and the tear tracks tracing down his chin were near dry.

"Luke...whats up?"

Michael sat down in front of him, glancing swiftly at the rest of his class before he dug a small Kit-Kat bar from his pocket, handing it to Luke before reaching for another when Ashton pouted.

"Nothing much sir, just my stepmom, Claudia being a bitch...again"

"I'd certainly thought Mr. Hood's taste was impeccable after our admittedly off topic discussion last parent teacher night, but maybe music and ladies are too different. It's the exact reason I'm gay"

Michael joked lightly, trying to lift the mood slightly, and when he saw Luke crack a smile, he mirrored it as well, leaning against the tables leg, as they were seated on the floor.

"My doors always open. Well, except when it's not...and when I'm not in the room. But when I am, you're welcome, just to hang out"

"And me Michael?"

"Mr. Clifford, and yes, you too Ashton"

Ashton smiled before he laid back against Luke, allowing the latter to softly thread his fingers through Ashtons hair.

"So, I can stay?"

"Fine, but if you start failing math, or start distracting Luke..."

"I hear you Mi-Mr. Clifford...have you got any more candy?"

Michael laughed at that and stood up, leaving Ashton and Luke on the floor, where the pair were both smiling as well. Luke sighed longingly as Michael disappeared from his view and glanced back down at his paper.

The paper soaked as a single salty tear dripped down Luke's cheek, and Ashton quickly tilted Luke's chin and wiped away the tear, arms burying Luke in a hug.

"M'sorry that Claudia is a bitch lu, I really am"

"It's alright Ash, just that, dads the best, he's been my mom, dad, best friend- everything for as long as I can remember"

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