Will You Marry Me? (Lashton)

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Prompt: Where Luke and Ashton fake proposals to get free desserts at restaurants

Era: 2018/19 sos
When people asked Ashton how he came to date Luke, he often spun a lie about how they used to go to school together, something or the other.

The truth however, was rather ridiculous in itself, but what can you do?

They never meant for it to happen...it just sort of did.

It was probably sometime a couple years ago, when Luke and Ashton were both equally as broke college students, spending a night in watching bad movies.

It was Ashton who suggested they head downtown and eat some real food, because he didn't know about Luke, but he'd been eating pizza pockets for a few weeks now. He needed a break, and since Luke had commented moments later how his boss finally transferred his pay, well, Ashton decided food would be nice.

So less that 20 minutes later, they were crammed in a small booth, the diner packed with customers. It was nice, really, just small talk back and forth as they ate their dinner, stopping short when they went to order dessert.

"Luke, do we do dessert? Or?"

"I don't know...split one? We've spent quite a lot already"

Luke glanced between the menu and Ashton, who had his lip caught between his teeth, pondering what to do. Dessert would've been rather pleasant, to cleanse their palettes, however, Luke did have a fair point. At last and idea came to Ashton, and he was unsure about it.

"What if you fake proposed to me? And then we could get a free dessert"

Luke fell out of the booth.

He laughed so hard that tears began pricking in the corners of his blue eyes, and when he finally collected himself, his words shocked Ashton.

"We'll need a ring"

Ashton had expected him to say a no, judging by how much he laughed, however he shook it off and pulled the ring off of his index and handed it to Luke, who tossed it once before he cleared his throat, catching the eyes of a few patrons. He climbed out of the booth and settled on the floor, far more graceful than earlier, before he looked up and Ashton and held the ring out.

"Ashton, baby, we've been together for 9 years. I love you so much, I loved you when I first laid my eyes on you in this very diner. S-sweetie, will you ma-marry me?"

Luke's voice quivered and Ashton had to admit the whole thing was decently acted out. He caught Luke as he ended his speech and Ashton immediately thought sad thoughts, attempting to make his eyes watery.

He noted a few patrons and a waitress staring expectantly so he nodded, gasping as he pulled Luke up and allowed him to push the ring onto his finger.

Let's just say, they got a lot more than they were bargaining for. It must've been a result of the end of the day, but the waitress rolled out variety's of cakes and doughnuts, allowing the pair to indulge in the sweets.

Luke wiped the remains of the cheesecake off of his mouth as he and Ashton returned home, the latter struggling to remove the ring off of his ring finger. It wasn't meant to be worn on that finger and Luke had hastily shoved it on, leaving Ashton to struggle. When he finally got it off, he massaged his finger and turned to Luke, eyes glinting in the street lights.

"That was fun, huh Luke?"

"Yea, it really was"
The second time they went out was a month later, when Luke decided he really liked Ashton, after he heard him sing a song at a charity concert.

After asking the boy on a date, they wound up in a small restaurant, with fancy champagne in a ice filled bucket, while they patiently waited for their food. After faking yet another proposal and receiving a dainty little dessert, the pair decided it would become their "thing" and following that day, every date ended in a free dessert.
Ashton smiled up at Luke as their small audience clapped, Ashton taking the chance to slide the cheap ring onto Luke's finger. He leaned over and pressed a kiss to Luke's cheek, returning to his seat as Luke held back laughter.

It was Ashton's turn this week, and as Luke adjusted his silky collar Ashton reached over and took hold of Luke's hand, kissing it softly.

At least now that they were dating, they could kiss each other and add all the more to their little skit, and Ashton did notice that the cute little kisses often got them more attention.

And hey, more attention meant more dessert.
Today was different. As Ashton followed Luke into the fancy pastry shop and cafe, he felt as if something was off, however, he brushed it off and followed Luke to a small table, leaning back against the curlicues on the chair.

"Luke, you alright? You look nervous"

"Sorry, just excited"

"Yea, heard they have some really good desserts"

Ashton folded his napkin into a boat as Luke ordered hot cups of coffee, smiling knowingly when Luke got down.

"Ash, it's been a crazy few years...we do a lot together and I love you. So much. This ones a bit different, but here it goes"

Ashton's hand flew over his mouth and he gasped, allowing Luke to sheepishly continue his speech. Luke went on, and Ashton naturally giggled and blushed along, feeling the burning gaze of other customers.

"I want you to know that you're the best thing that ever happened to me. Ashton, will you marry me?"

"Of course I will, I love you silly"

Ashton laughed and allowed Luke to slide the ring onto his finger, before he kissed the blonde, patiently waiting for their latest dessert. As they worked through their pastries Ashton took a moment to further inspect his ring, noting the intricately carved metal band that adorned his finger.

"Gotta say Luke, you really pulled out all the stops. Such a cute speech and this ring is so realistic"

Luke's heart stopped and he turned to Ashton, internally groaning. Fuck.

"Are you fucking kidding me?"


"Ashton...I was being serious, that wasn't a joke"

Ashton's eyes widened and his spoon clattered as he looked up to meet eyes with Luke, who was equally as embarrassed as himself. They stared red faced at each other for a moment before Ashton shook his head, fingers reaching out to grip Luke's.


"Fine, let's try this again dick wipe, will you marry me?"

"Yes idiot, I wouldn't have agreed the first 500 times if I didn't want it to happen eventually"

A/n: that was a little dumb lmao, but be sure to leave requests, I'll accept most of them (bxb, bromance, fluff, smut that will be badly written, etc)

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