Kiss Me On The Dance Floor (Lashton)

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Inspired by Secret Love Song by Little Mix
I used a version that combines both part one and two, it's linked above
When you hold me in the street and you kiss me on the dance floor
I wish that it could be like that
Why can't it be like that
'Cause I'm yours

Ashton's fingers were numb, breaths short puffs of cool air as he scrunched his pixie nose, the tip pink and frost bitten. The cool December air chilled him down to his bones, seeping through the flimsy material of his sweater as he tightly embraced himself. He paid no attention to the cool bench dampening his leg, watching as the ice glinted in the fairy lights.

Fingers linked, laughter harmonizing in the most perfect way, everyone skated, gleeful as they could possibly be. Underneath the smile of his clattering teeth, Ashton let his eyes flutter shut briefly, imagining what it might feel like to have Luke's arms around his waist while they skated.

The empty thought faded, leaving a pit in his stomach as he sighed, looking back up to the rinks.

Crystal was gripping Michael tightly as he struggled to keep balance, Calum snapping blurred selfies with fans, Luke offering hugs and kisses on cheeks. Another breathy sigh left Ashton's lips as he watched Luke's broad frame envelope a fan for a photo.

He wished Luke would hold him like that, and even in the prying eyes of the public they'd feel alone, feel nothing but each other's loving embrace.

It should've been him.

He was Luke's after all.

We keep behind closed doors
Every time I see you, I die a little more
Stolen moments that we steal as the curtain falls
It'll never be enough

It had been a dizzy moment that blossomed their relationship.

Ashton remembered the way each colour in his vision began churning and the way the ceiling fell with alarming speed. He remembered the way his head was shoved forcefully under the water, and he couldn't fucking breathe. The way his tears blurred everything in sight, the way his whole body trembled.

Then Luke had been there, pulling him away to seclusion, to a distant world in the stars where he whispered the same 3 words of confession, the same words that Ashton had uttered mere moments ago.

In that moment, Ashton felt like he had everything he wanted.

Now he felt as if he had nothing.

What was supposed to be his, he couldn't even show off, he couldn't even touch or hug without arousing disapproval.

So he made do.

They made do.

Quick kisses under the covers while Michael and Calum were watching movies, quick cuddles in the dead of the night when neither one could sleep, quick moments of lust between rehearsals and in the first room they could find with a lockable door.

Every moment on stage Ashton was the dominante, straight drummer, sassy, assertive, and outspoken. The minute the curtain fell, so did his walls and he became Luke's baby- the soft, giggly, still sassy, gay boy who liked being held, sitting in Luke's lap, being taken care of and wearing Luke's bracelets so he could fiddle with them when others were around and pretend he was holding Luke's hand.

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