It's A Party (Malum)

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Prompt: The adventures of Calum and Michael at 2am in the morning

Era: 2017-18
It was at 2am when Calum jumped with a start, hearing the muffled whir of what sounded like a blender. He grumbled and rolled over to face the ceiling, but it didn't matter, it's not like he could sleep anyways. It was always like this when they were on songwriting breaks, for him at least, because he sat awake trying to write lyrics, or basslines, or anything useful really. Tonight was one of those nights, so Calum clicked his lamp on and sat up, comfortably wiggling around in the sheets.

He propped his blanket up and sat back, clicking his pen. The room was dark and illuminated by the faint glow of the lamp, and after a few blank minutes, Calum shoved his blanket aside and stood up, digging a pack of cigarettes out of his nightstand.

As he neared the stairs of the large house 5sos were currently residing in together to song write, the loud whirring noises and clatter grew louder, much to Calum's concern. He pushed his lighter and the small flame sparked, extended outwards as  Calum cautiously maneuvered his way down the stairs. He stopped short when he walked into the kitchen to see Michael's messy blonde hair shoved under a hat as he tossed a few chocolate chips into his mouth.

That was a little odd.

Well, more accurately, it was the party decorations and streamers draped across the living room and kitchen that Calum found sort of odd. Not to mention that there was an awful lot of baking ingredients out, and Calum knew for a fact that Michael...well, he couldn't bake.

"Oh hey Cal"

"What the hell are you doing?!"

"it's a party! I'm celebrating the complete destruction of my sanity and sleep schedule. Want a cookie?"

Calum would've really liked a cookie, however they were currently raw lumps on the baking sheet, which Calum noted, had no baking paper or grease under it. He wanted to point it out, but before he could, Michael cracked an egg into the blender, and Calum was rendered speechless, because what in God's name was he doing?

Then he added cups of flour, a stick of butter, and quite a few more things before he set the blender to speed, liquifying the whole concoction which he proceeded to pour into a muffin tin.


So this was Michael attempting to bake.

If it were anywhere after 10 in the morning, Calum might've cared, however it was 2, 2:30 now, in the morning, and quite frankly, his own head was spinning and he was going mad.
"Can I join you?"

"Sure thing sugar, the more the merrier. I've got cookies and cupcakes in, shall we make frosting or try making a pie?"

"How'd you make a pie?"

Michael shrugged before pulling out a cake pan, inspecting it closely before he pushed it across the counter. Calum walked around the island and crouched in front of the cabinet where Michael was, one hand on the blondes shoulder as he helped him identify the tart tin.

It was curious really, why they owned all this, considering they couldn't bake, but last year, Ashton had gone through a phase where he was so stressed out for his and Luke's wedding that he stress baked, and well, all these tools were the result.

When Calum finally pulled the tart tin out, they set it down before they burst into laughter, tears welling in their eyes as they cackled.

"What the fuck are we doing Michael?"

"I don't even know, but I love it"

More laughter escaped their mouths as they leaned closer, hands gripping onto each other for support. When they finally collected themselves, Calums breath hitched because hell, he didn't expect to be that close to Michael.

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