Dream Boy (Malum)

450 16 27

Prompt: Michael takes Ashton to a movie shooting

Era: 2014

Additional notes: thought I'd try something different so this is first person
Michael's P.O.V
I was rudely awoken by the shrill screech of my alarm, and after several seconds of my eyes screwed shut tightly, I rolled over in disdain, blindly reaching for my phone. When the alarm didn't silence, even after I repeatedly jabbed my finger into the screen, I blinked twice before realizing 2 things.

Firstly, it's daytime, which I probably should've figured since the sunlight was incredibly bright and burned my eyes through my eyelids.

Secondly, the piercing shriek I'd so desperately tried to cease was actually coming from the lanky body of Ashton Irwin draped over me as he clutched his phone to his chest.

It took a minute for him to process that I was awake and he shoved his phone into my face, my blurry vision making it impossible for me to see what he was showing me, before he snatched it back. I could've sworn there was the faintest glint of tears in his eyes, and I had no clue why. I might've figured something bad happened if not for the goofy smile plastered on his face.

"Erm, morning Ash"



So that's what this was about, Ashton's stupid celebrity crush on Luke Hemmings. After obtaining the phone, I realized that Luke's next movie would be filmed here, and while I didn't care too much for the actor, nothing interesting ever happened in our small town. Ashton declared he wanted me to take him, so after I shoved the boy out of my room and dropped limply onto my bed, I mustered the motivation to brush my teeth.

They were set to arrive in a couple of hours, which honestly meant I could have slept in, however with Ashton excitedly running around my house, it seemed a little far fetched. I remained in my pajamas, tugging a hoodie over my t-shirt before I stalked lazily into the kitchen, Ashton's nose scrunching.

"Why didn't you get ready?"

"I'm ready"

"You're not going like that"

Unwillingly, I was whisked back to my room and after rejecting several outfits, Ashton forced me into something somewhat nice, before failing to tame me unruly hair, which was currently coloured a bright green.
I wasn't expecting much from this, Ashton would probably pass out, etc, etc.

The more I thought it over, the less I wanted to go, but Ashton was so excited, and I couldn't crush him like that.
"Holy shit"

Our whole town was probably crowded on the small beach, the large vans with Sunset Productions creating some type of barriers. The place was bustling with crew members and actors, and I'd never seen that many girls- in our town at least.

The heavy scent of hairspray hung over them like a thick cloud and I nearly gagged, taking Ashton's hand in mine and pulling him throw the crowd.

When the soft mutters grew to excited screams and Ashton cut off the circulation in my arm, I caught sight of the blonde head that belonged to Luke Hemmings and smiled.

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