Some Things Never Change: Part 1

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Luke choked back another sob, chest heaving as he cradled his newborn daughter, rocking the small infant in his arms.

"S'Alright darling...say goodbye to mama now"

Luke mumbled and leaned closer to the cot, lowering the baby so her mother could see her one last time. Sierra cracked the faintest smile, face hollow and pale, eyes dull and damp, lacking the hundreds of stars that used to shine in them.

"Goodbye Ashton...I-I love you my baby..."

Her voice was small, as she ran a shaky thumb over her daughters face, eyes drifting up to meet Luke's.

"T-take c-c-care of- care of Ashton a-"

Sierra shook slightly, unable to finish her sentence. Luke shushed her and ran a hand through the small amount of hair that remained on her head, telling her he loved her, and understood everything. Sierra barely nodded, head gently dropping before she cast her eyes to the stack of envelopes on her bedside.

"O-one fo-one for e-each ye-year"

The words came out broken as Sierra struggled against her own body, eyes desperately wanting to close shut. She knew she'd never open them again and tried to be as strong as she could, tried to spend every last breath with her precious daughter and husband. Luke kissed Sierra's forehead and placed a hand over he envelopes nodding as more tears slipped down his cheeks.

Ashton gurgled quietly in his arms, nuzzling her small head against Luke's chest, drawing another sob from him. He placed the baby as gently as he could over Sierra's chest, still holding her so she hovered, Sierra's hands shakily running over the bundle.

Sierra's heartbeat was slowing down, she could feel it, and was at peace.

Her heart broke knowing she wouldn't see her lovely daughter grow up, however, she knew what those envelopes held. All in good time, her dying wish would be granted, and the guilt of having destroyed something so precious all those years back would he lifted.

As Sierra's final breaths left her body, fanning over Ashton's rosy cheeks, she let her eyes shut, and sleep over take her.

She could see the stars now, and as she walked towards them, the world around her silenced. She missed Luke's broken screams and sobs as he collapsed onto the hospital floor, Ashton crying against him at the sudden noise.

Sierra brushed away the pain of leaving her family that gnawed at her spirit and reminded herself, 'all in good time'
8 years later

Ashton blew a loose strand away from her face, squinting her eyes in concentration as she struggled to style her dark blonde hair. She flipped it over her one side of her head and pulled it so it looked messy, sighing in defeat at the mirror, unsatisfied.


Luke pokes his head into the room, seeing Ashton seated at the edge of her bed, staring into her mirror.

"Hey there sweetie, what's up?"

"My hair- I wanna look like mama but it isn't staying"

She mumbled and pushed the picture frame she'd been hugging to her chest towards Luke, where Sierra had flowers in her hair, which was parted on the side and ruffled from the wind, the slight waves floating around her.

Luke smiled fondly at the picture before tipping Ashton's chin up, kissing her nose. She looked a lot like he did, with her wide, blue eyes, her darkish blonde hair that was slightly wavy, however her laughter was just like Sierra's.

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