We were playing a few side games here and there but they weren't as much of a big deal and were more for fun than anything. But I mean, I don't mind. I'd do this as a job and as a professional thing.

"I want to get back to the apartment," I told him, and I could see him nodding his head.
"Oh, I was nodding," he filled me in and I chuckled.

I began packing my things as he stayed on the call, talking about how he could quickly make a sandwich or something for me to eat. I'd recently taken a challenge to not eat takeaway for a month - which in all honesty was a piece of cake since I could cook and so could Jayden - because Chase thought it would be a great idea to bet against me.

I plugged in my headphones, bag resting on a library table, fully packed as I quickly checked my messages.

But what I saw on my screen in my chats wasn't a happy sight. It was actually a ghastly sight, one that made me want to puke instantly, and I was more than a hundred percent sure I had gone pale in the face.

Two brothers stood in front of the black car I'd always seen them with, and I felt vulnerable even though it was only on the screen. Aaron and Callum Grey were freaking me out.

"you want tomatoes or-"I cut Jayden off immediately, not caring about what he had to say. I was too shook.
"Jayden, please tell me Cody is at home? And where's Daniel?" I asked him in a frenzy, about to enter panic mode.

"Cody's fine, Alex, he just went in his room before I called you. And Daniel is asleep. Why? Is everything alright?" He asked me and I shook my head furiously.

"Can you please tell Cody to look over Daniel in case he wakes up and can you please... can you please... come - and get me?" I asked him, more like stuttered. I couldn't even tell if he understood what I had said because my hands were shaking so much.

I went back to the chats and saw that Ava had sent it to me, and underneath it, she wrote "saw them at the corner of the road after Jordan Cody and I went shops. Please be safe, and I didn't tell Cody about them, dw."

"Aaron and Callum are out again. Ava saw them." I surprised myself by speaking the full sentence, considering I couldn't hear my own voice over the thoughts which were consuming my mind.

This seemed like a plausible time to tell Cody that two people were staring at me since he would've immediately called me and I would've stayed locked up in my apartment and refused to leave. But of course, it was almost midnight and I was stuck at the library; and Ava hadn't told Cody.

"Hey, hey, I'm coming. Alexis, stay calm, and stay put in coming. Don't walk out, okay? Stay in the library, don't worry, I gotchu. I'll stay on the call, okay? Just breathe." Jayden was not only an angel, but a lifesaver. If he hadn't spoken those words when he did, I was pretty sure I was going to have a panic attack.

I knew it had been way too peaceful without them around. No drama, no nothing. I was living my best life, and it honestly seemed way too good to be true. Which honestly sucked when you put it that way. But on the bright
side, this was the only hurdle I'd face for a while. Well, hopefully anyways.

I'm not a cynic, I swear. It's just a little difficult to be optimistic in times like these.

As he promised, he stayed on the line with me as he came to get me, only being ten minutes away. I didn't want to risk going out in the night alone, and with those two around I wasn't even going to take any chances.

I was scared.

What was more, they didn't know who Jayden was to me. I doubt they'd even recognise him. Consequently, I was more than confident that he'd get here without harm. And if we encounter them whilst walking home together... well at least it'll be an even fight.

I waited in front of the library door, and when Jayden told me he was outside, I opened the doors which had been closed to stop the chilly air of the cool night from disturbing the slightly humid library air. I immediately wrapped my arms around his neck, and he hugged me back too.

"I missed you so much, Princess. Don't ever scare me like that again. Are you alright? Are you cold? I promise I'll make you food when we get home. Alex! Alex, are you okay?" I knew he was slightly panicking because he could probably feel the anxiety radiating off of me. Or he could just feel the fat tears on his neck which were collecting in my tear ducts. I was silently shaking, a few tears threatening to leak.

"Hey, you're alright, I promise. What's going on? How long ago was it?" He asked and I just showed him Ava's texts. I was honestly so shook, I didn't even know. It was a bit stupid to cry, I was very much aware. But it was just the shock that they were still not gone and that I still wasn't free like I felt.

He was still looking to make my life hell.

He approached me with his broken beer bottle. "Cassidy, I told you already, make sure dinner was ready for me and my friends," he slurred.

Fucking twat, I was busy with work. Make your friends and yourself your own food, for fucks sake.

Where shock shouldn't have overtaken my senses, it did. My feet slowly backed away, but for every step I took away from him, he advanced another.
And another.

Until, my back hit the wall. What a cliche but frightening feeling. "Oh you're gonna get it today, you little bitch." I screamed as he immediately grabbed a fistful of hair and yanked on it brutally hard.

"Shorts? You're not allowed to wear shorts around, what the fuck do you think you're doing, you whore?" He showed in my face, breath revolting and full of the pungent smell of beer and vodka and whatever else he could get his grubby hands on.

"Boy do I have the perfect punishment for you," he smiled wickedly, before dragging me by the hair into his room.

"Jayden, he can't be here." My lower lip trembled, and he handed my my phone back.

"Even if he is, we're right here. Your dad. Your uncle. Cody. Nick. The boys. I'm here, Alex. Thank you for calling me to get you." He said sincerely, before pulling me in to give the crown of my head a short but lingering kiss.

"Give me that, I'll carry it." He motioned to my school bag, which I reluctantly gave. But since I knew I was tired and hungry and in dire need of sleep, I didn't object.

"We need to tell your dad, by the way. We'll do it tomorrow, yeah?" He confirmed with me, before grabbing my hand and taking me home.

A/NSorry I'm back! As some of you guys know, I was moving houses and just about got internet (it's crap but we can't even do anything about it so there's that) But I should be back for a good while (enough to finish the book hopefully lmao)

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Sorry I'm back! As some of you guys know, I was moving houses and just about got internet (it's crap but we can't even do anything about it so there's that) But I should be back for a good while (enough to finish the book hopefully lmao)

Lol, I'm so evil, but there's a dark secret which Alexis is still keeping from y'all. I'd go as far as to say that even Cody doesn't know about it. Not gonna lie, I just added it in to make it more interesting and because why the hell not? :)

Things are about to get tenseeeeee up in hereerrrr

QOTD : any theories about what's about to happen? :)

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