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"A million times over, I would still choose you"

We disembarked the coach, which stopped inside the parking lot of our dear, beloved high school; Bayside High

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We disembarked the coach, which stopped inside the parking lot of our dear, beloved high school; Bayside High.

It was about 2 PM, as we left quite early in the morning. Of course, all you could hear was complaining and snores for the first couple hours.

At about 12 we stopped somewhere where there was a Taco Bell, and I had never eaten there. There's no such thing as that in England. Oh, but there is such thing as Nando's - which is like one of the best things our will ever taste on this planet so go to Nando's.


Anyways, after eating and me deciding if I liked it or not, I still haven't decided, we got back in the coach and this time we blasted Disney songs on the way back.

I love my life right now, honestly.

Even people on our team like Joey and Nick sang a long too, and I dare say dad slipped in a few lines for himself.

The first person to get off the coach was moi, followed by my best friend, Jayden. Then it was Chase, and just like that we were coming out of the vehicle in our squad formation.

That was unplanned.


As soon as we had gotten into school halls, it was time for the next lesson switch, and the bell started ringing loudly in the halls. Within five seconds students were out of classrooms, swamping the corridors.

I tried to walk around some people, well that's until Pearl shouted "the soccer team's back!", and at that point I had silently admitted defeat. This was it. People were going to pile up on me again, weren't they?

I was not ready for this.

Thankfully nobody jumped on me, but so many people in our school had gathered 'round us, and I was starting to feel a tad bit awkward...

"Three cheers for Bayside High!" Chase shouter and everyone started cheering. Jayden told me to jump on his back, and I did so without arguing. It was probably going to be the only time we were going to be allowed to do this in school, ok?

Ethan hoisted Austin up, Nick has Carson in his shoulders. Well, Joey's squad was holding him up but he wasn't sitting, he was lying down, so yeah, there's that. Chase was carried by well, no one yet, per say, but he was asking around. He'll find someone eventually.

I had a derp smile on the whole time, only because I didn't exactly love the attention. But the boys did. What am I saying, of course they did.

But then, that's when I saw a black limousine roll into our ordinary school parking lot, and it stopped its engine next to the Bayside High Sports Coach. (I thought it was hired, but I was informed otherwise)

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