Chapter 20: you're as beautiful as you were yesterday.

Start from the beginning

At the sound of my voice his ears perk up and he looks at me.

"Shift back baby" I whispered, you can hear the pain I'm my voice that I didn't intend to show.

I just want my mate, his arms around me and for him to hold me until I no longer feel the world.

I heard cracking and watched as slowly he's fur disappeared and his tanned skin returned.

He was back.

My Ryder was back.

He looked at me with a weak smile and moved closer to me.

"I-I" he tried specking back his voice cracked making me wrap my arms around him.

"it's okay baby, shhh" I cooed in his ear.

"I-I thought I lost you" he broken whisper didn't go unheard which made my heart break.

"I'm here baby, I'm here" I kissed him softly on his lips and pulled away.

He looked at my face and it was then i released it must be so bruised and battered.

Feeling embarrassed I looked down and away from him then I heard him growl.

I felt a finger go under my chin and he made me look at him.

"Don't hide from me baby" I looked into those bright blue orbs and I felt tears slide down my face.

"I look disgusting" I croaked, he shook his head and smiled at me.

Leaning down to the side of my face I felt him lick something that was most likely a cut but I couldn't help the wince and surprise as I feel it heal.

He pulled back and smiled at me.

"Baby you're as beautiful as you were yesterday" his words made me melt and realise how much I really missed him.
"Baby stop" Ryder groaned.

"No" I kept doing it until I heard.


You dirty people did you thing we was doing something else?

Well we wasn't.

'She wishes'

'Shut up Delly'

Me and ry are laying in the hospital bed, me wrapped in his arms as he was playing a game on the Xbox.

I started getting bored so I started touching buttons, let's just say it turned into a not pretty game.

"That's not fair" he crossed his arms and pout, making me look at him and smile.

He looks at me In the corner of he's eyes then smiled.

"You're so beautiful my little kitten" he said making me blush.

"T-thank you a-alpha but I'm r-really not" I stuttered, forgetting myself for a moment as well as my surroundings.

When I said 'alpha' he growled and grabbed my face "DO NOT CALL ME ALPHA! IM YOURE FUCKING MATE YOU'LL DO WELL TO REMEMBER THAT!!!" As he shouts this his grip tightens making a whimper escape me.

"R-ry you're hurting me" I sobbed, his eyes changed from black back to blue and they were fell of regret.

"I-I'm so sorry" he whispered and before I could say anything he got up and rushed towards the door, whimpering.

"Ry! no ry" I moved so much the pain just kept building and building until black dots appeared.

He still did not stop, I push my hands out and a light appeared.

"Just stop, don't leave me" I said panicked and suddenly he stopped.

He slowly turned back to me, his eyes filled with tears.

I could hear his heart beat picking up.

"You didn't mean it ry, you'd never hurt me I know that, I just forgot myself for a moment. I forgot I was with you, forgot I was home" I said as he slowly came closer.

He leaned down and within seconds held me to his chest and cried.

He actually cried.

"Losing You has made me lose all control, I can't control anything. But I love you and I can't lose you"

I was lost for words.

"I can't lose you"

He sounded so broken.

My poor Ryder.


So another chapter for you, I thought I'd give you a sweet chapter.

You deserve it.

So I'm currently feeling like shit, my fellas in London and not come back yet; I think my eating disorder is back from 4 years ago.

I've lost so much weight without realising or even trying, my body turns and my hips keep locking.

I've got a damn migraine as well.

So all in all I'm fucked 😂.

But you guys are keeping me sane as you always do.

So there will most likely be more.

Okay so anyone actually Want to see what happened when Sarah and Micheal met?

I never actually included it so I do not mind?

Let me know.





Behind her hazel eyes (COMPLETED) #thewattys2020Where stories live. Discover now