
Yuna sat at her desk, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she sketched. She huffed, glancing at the clock on her bedside table, which read 10:04 PM. Her phone suddenly buzzed, which caused Yuna to almost panic as she nearly made a dark grey streak across her paper.

She picked up her phone, only to see a notification from the one and only - Daniel Han.


'wassup best friiiiiiend'


'heyy bestieeee'


'so you gonna visit me?'


'ofc, tmr'


'aight betttt'

'seen any hot guys yet?'


'well... he's cute'


'ok, girl sPiLL'


'it's soo weird, it's like he's someone i knew'


'coincidence?? i think the hell not'

A soft thud stopped the girl from replying, as she put her phone down quietly and grabbed her Icer gun. The silhouette of a male could be seen through the curtains, his position seeming to be perched on a railing. Another ping from her phone sent Yuna quickly typing a reply, then muting the device. The Parisian peeked through a gap in the curtains, sighing in relief when she saw a certain cat-themed superhero. She pulled the curtains out of the way, an eyebrow raised at Chat Noir.

"Well, hello there, milady." He purred, a devilish smirk on his face. Yuna sighed, clicking her tongue.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't pepper spray you right now." His emerald eyes widened and his posture straightened. In less than a second, the smirk took place on his face once again.

"Because I'm one of the good guys." Chat Noir stood in front of the brunette now, then winked after his sentence. Yuna shut her eyes in frustration, then confidently stepped out onto the balcony.

"And how am I supposed to know that you're telling the truth?" She wore a smirk of her own, crossing her arms over her chest.

"You'll just have to trust me-" A yelp escaped his lips as he was hit in the head with... 'a yoyo?' Yuna thought, the object moved too quickly for her to see.

"Chat, stop bothering her!" The female hero, sporting a red suit donned with black spots, had arrived. Placing her hand on her hip, she only sighed at her partner's antics. "Keep it in your pants for one day, will you?"

"Can't help it, Bugaboo, whenever I see a beautiful mademoiselle, I just have to- Ow!" The leather-clad hero sealed his lips after being whacked over the head by Ladybug, rubbing the spot she had harshly slapped.

"I'm sorry about that, miss." Turning to face Chat's poor victim, Ladybug found herself staring wide-eyed at the beauty that was Yuna Park. Up close, the hero could pay attention to her perfect features, the curve of her nose, the length of her eyelashes, the... plumpness of her lips. Clearing her throat to avoid being caught staring, Ladybug felt her ears go hot as she turned away.

"It's quite alright." The melodic tone of her voice soothed Ladybug's and Chat Noir's ears, calming their nerves in the presence of the dark-haired girl. 

"We'll get going now. Sorry again for bothering you." With that, Ladybug zipped away. Yuna turned forward, meeting the emerald eyes of Chat Noir, who stared at her with a bright smile. The girl raised her eyebrow at the hero, who winked and blew a kiss in return.

"I'll see you again, milady." He purred, extending his staff and following his partner. Yuna went back into her room, picking up her phone and returning to her conversation with her best friend.


'sorry abt that'


'what happened?'


'yk ladybug and chat noir? they were on my balcony'


'yOOO wtf lucky duck'

'what did they want'


'idk the cat dude was lowk flirting w me'



'the perks of being attractive'


'haha very funny'


hey hey hey ! here's the first OFFICIAL chapter I've written ever since my hiatus from Wattpad,, honestly that was so fun :)) so what did u guys think of ladybug getting flustered? also it may seem like yuna is a mary sue (perfect character) rn, but i assure you that she does have flaws, we just won't see them until later on! off topic but seo yeji is literally so pretty I'm going gay for her- I'm not too happy abt the casting for adrien and marinette but like i cant rlly find anyone better to fit their characters?? anyways, until next time, my lovely tea leaves ! <3

- cloudttea

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