Chapter 32

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Hey everyone, sorry for a delayed update, I've been writing an re-writing this chapter for a while. It's not exactly where I want it to be, but I'm still quite happy with it, especially the first part.


Harry's POV

"AGAIN!" panting, I take another gulp of air before standing upright, the obstacle course shifting slightly, as my opponents and Goblin Master watch from the side, a spear and other weapons held loosely in their hands. Shaking my hands out, I unholster my wand, and sprint, weaving around boulders dropped from the sky, jumping over logs, climbing up walls, all the while dodging spell fire and debris that's being thrown at me.

My lungs are screaming at me to stop, as were my sore muscles, but I couldn't, not yet at least, so I kept running, picking up speed as I went. I was used to this; after all, hadn't I been dodging Dudley and his gang my whole life. But this was harder, my opponents were trained, they knew how to read me and attack.

Their attacks were deadlier as well, thank merlin for Silver Fang, who was watching over us. He'd stop any attacks that I had no hope of dodging or sidestepping from, saving me from serious injuries. The only downside was that I'd have to start again if he did intervened.

I was now on one of the hardest parts of the course, it was a long monkey bar area, the floor had moving razor blades and pits of deep water, to deter any from giving up and falling in. Quickly, I snap my wand up into its holster and start swinging from one bar to the other. It's a slow process, as I have to dodge every two seconds from a stunner or hex aimed at me.

And suddenly there's two overpowered stunner's zooming my way, and another two quickly follow it. They've boxed me in, I can't move to any one side to avoid them, I either drop, or go up.

Calling on all my strength and magic, I haul myself up, adding a small extra push at the end to make sure I'm safe from the overpowered spells. Looking down at the bar I'm precariously crouched on in amazement and excitement, I unconsciously snap out my wand and put up a shield as another stunner flies at me. It's only after it bounces off, that I realise my hands are free, and that the bars look much closer together from up here, than they did when I was under them.

A slow grin makes its way onto my face, slowly I stand up, testing my balance. I have to throw up a few shields as I do this, but it takes mere moments before I'm comfortable standing on the bar. Taking a deep calming breath and praying to all the gods and goddesses out there that this works, I take a step over to the next bar. Wobbling slightly, I have to act fast and crouch down to avoid another spell aimed at my head.

But for the most part I'm okay; being a Seeker really does have its advantages, one of them being my balance and my ability to adapt to new situation very quickly. In no time I'm back on my feet, slowly starting to speed up as I run across the bars, shielding and throwing spells, with an almost manic grin on my face.

The spells I throw vary, some are simple disarming spells, while there are others, those that Zefra and my tutors have shown me, that a more devastating. There was also a few that I'd learned from the twins, which worked to confuse or frustrate the target.

One that I used to nauseating affect was the tongue twister spell, which would be more effective if my opponents weren't trained Goblin Warriors, and didn't know how to silently cast. There was also the star seeing spell, and another spell that would summon birds to swoop your opponent endlessly, causing at least one of the goblins to be constantly ducking.

I had also started to implement many of the spells that I'd learned in Parseltongue. I hadn't tried many of the original spells, I'd more gotten into the habit of casting known spells in Parseltongue. This made it harder for them to realise what I'd actually cast, some were easier to deduce, while others not so much. I couldn't help myself as I snuck a peek at one of the goblins who had gotten caught in the hair growing spell, right before I started the second part of the monkey bars.

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