It's Cold Tonight

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Short story. Stupid Christmas music. >.<


The snowflakes danced with the breeze as I stared out the window, I watched them closely as they began to pile up. Something tells me getting home will be a bite in the butt, his reflection caught my attention; I blinked in surprise, turning sharply to see him looming over me, his tempting smirk, bleach blonde hair falling over his cheekbones. What did he want? He knew I had to leave and get home before my parents knew I was here.

"I have to go." I whispered, trying to escape the barriers that were his long arms, but he closed in, pressing me more to the wall, the heat creeped up on my face. He was getting too close for comfort, actually he was already there.

"It's cold out there." His lips brushed my cheek; I closed my eyes, inhaling the scent of his neck, his soft smell, almost like fresh air. I always wondered how he smelt like that; it was beautiful, just as he was. His teeth grazed my skin, his knee parted my legs, and kneading me a soft moan escaped me, despite my efforts. He really was persistent.

I had to get out of here; I pushed on his shoulders, gritting my teeth as his hot tongue brushed my cheek, it felt well in an odd way, "My family..." I breathed, a gasp falling from my lips as he kneaded harder, making my eyes grow large, "They'll worry! Jace please." I saw an opening and took it, slipping out from under his arm, only to trip over his leg and have him grab my wrist, holding me up.

"But baby it's bad out there." He whispered, his chest pressed to my back, seems I wasn't going to be getting home tonight. I could live with that. I caught a glimpse of his long fingers brushing my brown hair from my shoulders, my neck exposed once again. "Just stay. It's fine." His arms had surrounded me, he was whispering into my ear with his intoxicating voice. My breaths came out slowly, I looked at him from the corner of my eyes, staring into those chocolate brown eyes, "I'll put some records on."

"The neighbors..." I wanted to make as many excuses as possible, I couldn't stay here with him, we were immoral enough as was and this would be even worse, spending a night when he's like this. I didn't want to think about it, my eyes were half lidded now, his hands were glided over my body, I couldn't deny how much I wanted it, but it wasn't right, we had to wait. I had to wait, we'd only been together for a month, it wasn't time yet, much more time was needed. Much more.

"Let them think." He breathed into my ear, making me feel hot all over again, this wasn't good.

"My parents...They'll worry Jace, I have to go."

"Let them worry." His lips kissed my neck then my chin, when I felt them on my cheek I turned my head, his fingers leaving my face burning, our lips met for a moment, all worry leaving my mind for that kiss, but when our lips parted, it raced right back in, he turned me around, his arms under me now and lifting me up. I placed my hands on his shoulders, steadying myself. Once again he kissed me, still just as gentle as before, not trying to press me anymore than this.

He laid me down on his couch and lay down beside me, his fingers lacing through my hair, his lips brushing the bridge of my nose and my forehead, filling me with a sweet feeling. "I love you dear." He whispered in my ear, I squirmed slightly. His arms were around me, holding me close to his warm body. There was no doubt in my mind how I felt about him,

"I love you too." He kissed my forehead again, his hold got tighter.

"Ryan. Ryan Vasca." He whispered my name, the way he said it, with his voice made my body tingle with that odd sensation; I could feel it, deep inside my chest. How I loved this man, the one who held me in his arms and cared for me deeply.

My fingers skimmed his chin, tickled slightly by the tuffs on his chin, I found myself hoping he wouldn't shave that off, it made him look more alluring than usual. I felt his lips turn up into his famous smirk as my hands took his face in them; I stared into those dark eyes, the light from the hot fireplace dancing in them. His hand was also upon my face, his thumb stroking my cheek slowly, "Those eyes." He murmured, referring to my hazel eyes, how he loved them, he always told me his family envied them. But, everyone in my family had them, I would love for those warm brown, they were just so inviting.

Our touching of each other soon ceased, I nuzzled into his chest, the warmth made my eyelids heavy, but I couldn't stay here, I had to go home where my family was. They were worrying about me. My eyelids dropped, Jace was becoming blurry, his chest anyway, I couldn't see his face. It was weird, not hearing him whisper sweet nothings into my ear, but I could hear his breathing. Was he asleep?

"Jace?" I kept my voice low and looked up, getting a glimpse of him from under my dark bangs, sure enough his eyelids were closed and he looked pretty much asleep. I grimaced, there was no way...I looked towards the clock, the hands pointed towards the twelve and five, it was too late now. In the morning I would contact my family and see what they have to say, for now I closed my eyes and began to be swept off to sleep. For now, I would dream pleasant thoughts, rather than about my family's opinions or the neighbor's rumors.

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