Gone Away, A While-Act 1

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Originally I wasn't going to start with this pairing, but...Yeah...I wanna open with these weirdos. x3


"That's, that super bass. Boom da boom, da boom da boom."

He smiled, it was hard not to after all, Knox was singing and Knox didn't exactly have the best singing voice known to man, yet there he sat, just inches away, singing some Nicki Minaj song, If he liked that girl, he certainly had never told Mehdi about it...But Mehdi didn't like her, so...maybe that's why he was never told about it?

"Knox, knock it off."

Sure, Mehdi didn't even like the woman's music, but he still did not wish for that song to be butchered. It didn't deserve it, even if it did suck...

HIs brown eyes flittered open and he looked to his 'companion.' As always, wearing that stupid grin. HIs own faltered as he stared at Knox and took in his young features. Everything was disheveled, from head to toe. HIs raven colored hair, the shirt ruffled up and the sleeves pulled up. Of course, that very shirt was untucked and his khaki pants hung down around his hips. He wasn't bad to look at, no, that was sure, but...That was exactly it...

The bile rose up in his chest, that aweful feeling he had when around this guy.

Knox stared at his friend's hard expression, a sligh shiver ran down his spine as his own eyes stared into Mehdi's dark glare. He was a close friend, yet, why did he always wear that scary expression when around? Shouldn't best friends smile and laugh with one another all the time? It was rare for Mehdi to smile...ever. "Mehdi?" That look had gotten to him, he now had to call out to him.

Mehdi forced a smile to his lips, in an odd way it hurt his face and he only did this to defrost the feel in the air that had formed around them. He quickly shied away though, ruffling his hair as his smile began to fall. Didn't even last a second. He decided he'd let out a laugh, hoping it'd defuse this, though he was mentally scolding himself for what he had done. He couldn't slip like that again.

Knox didn't buy into this though, it wasn't hard to see through Mehdi, something was obviously bugging him. "Is everything okay?"

This wasn't Knox's usual behavior, nor could he pretend that he was actually concerned for someone, that wasn't Knox's style. No one knew that better than Mehdi...He'd spent so much time with Knox, watching his behavior with other people. To everyone else he was rude and cocky, yet when he came shuffling to Mehdi he was humble and quiet, respectful in a way. Yet Mehdi saw it all the time, the two sides of this boy. He couldn't stand it, he didn't like being special or different than anyone else. It made him sick...

He nodded to Knox though, swallowing this odd lump that had formed suddenly in his throat as he gazed at those eyes. "Yeah..." He whispered, feeling his permanent glare soften for once, "I am." But suddenly his teeth gritted together, 'Stop looking at me like that!'

Knox frowned, but nodded. "If you say so." He had turned away, half hoping that Mehdi would do the same, yet he felt those eyes piercing into him once again. That flash of anger that had danced across Mehdi's expression before was now permanently engraved in his mind. He didn't understand what it was that made him so angry, yet that was how he always seemed to Knox, he was rough, but...Deep down he really cared and watched over Knox.

Don't look at me...Not like that.

Knox drew his knees to his chest in an off attempt to draw comfort into himself. The fact that Mehdi was looking at him filled him with unease. He just wanted to get his mind off of that, he glanced around the deserted school's roof top, hoping to finding something or someone, yet nothing appeared in his vision, they were alone and all Knox was left with were the thoughts of his friend.

He looked to Mehdi quickly, thankfully the boy was no longer staring at him. Knox felt himself grimace as he looked at that young face...

Moments later that weird fluttered in his gut began once again and his heart beat spiked. Only this boy, Mehdi, seemed to cause these feelings inside him. They were horrible, confusing, annoying, Knox didn't like them in the least, it made him upset with his friend, which was rare. He rarely ever got mad at Mehdi, since the boy never did anything wrong. He was perfect...My exact opposite.

Knox glanced up once again, taking in more features and the weird feelings grew stronger.

'Why does this bother me? He's nothing special...Just a grouch with good grades.'

"We better get going."

Knox jumped up, looking up to Medhi leaning on the wall and over Knox, with a nod the boy stood. He started to move away, but Mehdi suddenly gripped his wrist and tugged him back to their spot. Knox felt a shock run through him, causing his heart to skip a beat, he drew in a breath and instantly glared at the giant for that. What was he?! Some magical boy?

"What is it?!" He didn't intend to snap, it was just...Well what was it exactly anyway?

"Pick up your trash." Mehdi pointed to the wrappers and bottle waters on the ground. Of course, as Mehdi said that, he released Knox and picked up his own.


Mehdi scoffed and Knox's scorn, but thankfully, the boy bent over and picked his trash up. If he hadn't cleaned it up, a janitor would have and then they'd certainly make sure that these guys would never get to sit up here again.

"Pick up trash, help the planet." Mehdi smiled a small smile.

Knox stared momentarily in shock, that smile...It was Mehdi's first real smile of the day. Probably a longer time than that ever. Mehdi blinked, his smile instantly vanishing at Knox's expression. "What is it?" His voice was calm, even though on the inside his chest felt tight, just from their eyes meeting...He really didn't like this kid.

Knox shook his head, smiling back at Mehdi, hoping he'd see it once again, that small smile that only passed over his features for a second..."Pick up trash, keep our secret." He giggled softly, trotting back to the door that lead to the hallways below with his trash in hand. "By the way...You smiled." Knox had stopped and leaned on the door frame, "It was cute."

Mehdi bowed his head in embarrassment, at least, he thought that was what he was feeling. He wasn't sure, but due to the heat that had swept over him, he felt it was best to try and hide his face behind his caramel hair. "Idiot." He spat under his breath.

"Come on Mehdi! Don't want to be late!"

Mehdi grumbled as he walked over, the grumbling soon turned to groaning as he heard the bell begin to clang loudly around them.

"Oh...Too late. Opps." Knox took his time leaving, but Mehdi picked up his pace.

Yeah...Opps alright.

"If only you had picked up your trash faster!" He called after him as he ran by Knox.

Gone Away, A While.

Act 1-End.

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