Random Short.

159 2 1

school project.

creative title, no?


The slender, white male slipped through the darkness of the frigid night, a pair of golden eyes peering out upon the forest land. Flicking his tail to both sides, he placed his white paw down, taking a step and turning away from the hill of the forest, his long, bushy tail following after him. Grey fur gripped onto the tip o his head, all down his back to the tip of his tail. A beautiful wolf, his golden eyes sparkling, the moonlight spilling into them, revealing the cold eyes of a leader.

The male dipped his head back, a long sad, but beautiful song coming from his black lips. Filling the chilly night air with his song. His song of love, but also sadness as it told of his land’s separation and the loss of his pack members.

The male known as Shadow Fax dipped his head back down, his eyes filled with regret as he thought about how he just pulled his land apart, not even thinking of the other pack members and how their pack was growing and really needed the hunting grounds.

Shadow Fax’s ears drooped downwards as he turned, heading home to his back, really needed the comfort of his Beta, Gage and her daughter, Hue. He felt worse about them, he knew they hated giving up the land and now they are even more cold to it, but what was Shadow Fax going to do? Let them kill them all off. There was nothing he loved more then his pack and he couldn’t allow them to die, he had already seen enough.

Shadow fax turned onto the path leading towards the dens, his sensitive nose being flooded with the warm smell of home, he loved that smell. Maybe cause he loved his pack so much.

Excited yips came from the pack members who had just returned from a hunt, washing themselves within the brook just outside the den area. Shadow Fax bowed his head to them, licking the nose muzzle of the closest one, letting the young pup know he loved him and couldn’t bear to lose him. Shadow Fax couldn’t bare to lose anyone, thus why he made sure no one went near the boundary line. He didn’t want anyone to run into an Alana and get attacked.

Bowing his head to the young wolves, not making a sound he started towards the dens again, his tail just grazing the soft, brown dirt floor of Eden forest. His ears drooped further as he thought about the forest, Eden Forest, where the Eden wolves got their name. They were extremely proud of it and thus the two sharing the same name, The old Eden’s never allowed any other packs to enter unless they agreed to become a part of the Eden’s. Just how it worked.

Shadow Fax felt his head lower, lowered in shame. He had failed the old Eden’s by not making the Alana join his pack, but he had attempted. He really had. There was more then one meeting with the large Alpha wolf, Ricardo. The first(done in secret) was to try and get Ricardo to join the Eden, but it failed and Shadow Fax left, not wanting to start a fight with the wolf. So the second time, a few days later he proposed the idea of splitting the land with him, he had discussed with the counsel (who were strongly opposed to it.) , but Shadow Fax had just snapped at them and told them they were to listen to him since he was Alpha, sure enough the just bowed their heads and arranged the meeting, sending Shadow Fax on his own.

Ricardo agreed to the terms, to Shadow Fax’s surprise. He was relieved and made sure the wolf swore never to break their deal. Feeling rather confident of the large, grey wolf he left with a nod. Shadow Fax didn’t saw much and if he did say something it was of a very important matter, so if he spoke everyone listened.

Shadow Fax soon shook himself from his fantasy, noticing he had entered the area of the dens. He glanced up, seeing his Beta, Gage and her daughter Hue beside her. Shadow Fax smiled at them, yipping quietly as he hopped up to them, his long tail wagging behind him. He nuzzled Gage’s shoulder then licked Hue’s head before laying down beside he two, his sad, golden eyes now scanning the pack below him.

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