Night Time.

596 11 7

plzlemmefinishthis. kthnxbai.

i had two versions to this...and a little more...but...i figured i liked this one better. I still don't really like it though.

-scurries off to finish writing the first chapter.-


“Little vampire?”

What was that voice calling to him? What was this darkness? He attempted a breath, only to be met with resistance. He began to sputter, liquid spilling over the corner of his mouth and running along his jaw.


It was all he could recognize as he felt his body slowly being hauled along by something. Liquid caused his clothes to cling to his body tightly and made him even more uncomfortable as he was moved. Moved to where?

His eyes tried to flicker open, darkness greeted him. He blinked, trying to get past the dark blur he saw for this world, he was wanting his vision clearer. The stars soon greeted him, twinkling above peacefully as he began to cough once again and more warm liquid spilled from his mouth. It certainly didn’t taste like vomit…That metallic liquid spread through his mouth, mixing with his saliva and creating the urge within him to spit, but he couldn’t turn over to do so.

His dazed eyes tried to look for what was pulling him. Had an animal gotten him? Was that why he was in so much pain and leaving a crimson trail after him? Had it torn into his neck and lower half, tearing his flesh open and leaving it all exposed?

Was he in so much pain that he just couldn’t register the feeling of fangs eating his skin from his bones?

Wait that voice from moments before. Someone was with him. Who had spoken to him?

He tried to look forward, yet his head wouldn’t lift off the ground. He was immobilized…Yet this did not worry him, neither did the fact that he was gushing blood and his stomach was cut open. Nor was he concerned for the man that was dragging him away from this site, dragging him to his own place, his own shelter, somewhere to hide this newly made beast.

“Little vampire?” The man asked again, he glanced over his shoulder at the poor soul, staring at the blood leaking from his neck and abdomen, his moonlight colored eyes glanced to the trail that they had left behind. All that blood and yet still, this human had survived and was now changing. “You still there?”

A low groan erupted from the bloodied lips of the male, but it sounded more as a gurgle with the amount of blood that had flooded his throat now. He watched as the changing boy flicked his tongue over his paling lips, his own blood spilling further out of his mouth. The man cringed at the smell, over the years he felt he had grown accustomed, though apparently not with this male.

“Alright.” It was good he was still alive, it would be pointless to haul a dead body to the coven, and they only had use for more of their kind, for others like them.

Others like them.

Why was the man talking? What was the point? He couldn’t comprehend, he didn’t know what was happening, and he didn’t know where he was going, what was the man saying? Oh…If he was still there, well could he go anywhere when this man was holding his legs and dragging him across the cold earth? What was his intention?

He couldn’t see his face; he could only stare at the stars as they passed overhead and listen to the man when he spoke.

“Sleep little vampire, we’ll be there soon enough.”

Sleep? But…While he may be tired, this discomfort kept him from shutting his weary eyes that and, something piqued his interesting.

“Little…vampire.” He repeated what the man had said to him a few times before, it bothered him. He wasn’t something that didn’t exist. He was a boy, a human, he walked in the sunlight, and he drank water certainly not blood. “Little…vampire.” He muttered once again, his eyes drooped slightly, the world was growing hazy, almost as if he were in a dream. A rather cold and dreadful one.

He heard a soft chuckle, yet it didn’t bother him…This man…He didn’t give him any feelings. “Yes, little vampire.” Another chuckle, a slightly louder one, he felt his eyelids grow heavier. This man…Where was he going? “You’re tired, right?” His eyes opened momentarily, he wanted to see the face of this stranger, and he wanted to drink in the features of him…”You’re safe now, you can rest. Just close your eyes.”

That voice…

He didn’t want to obey, he really didn’t, but his eyes shut anyway, he slowly shut himself out of this word and drifted off into his mind, falling into a peaceful sleep.

The man smirked down at the body as it slowly grew limp, minus the few chest movements as he in took air slowly. All was silent except the soft noise of his footsteps as he strode towards that area, the place where they all gathered and welcomed any new members they had managed to find, or anything they managed to salvage and would dispose or in the most humane way know to their kind. Though, what had happened to this body was unforgivable.

Another groan came from the seemingly lifeless body he dragged, “Hang in there.” He smiled slightly at him, though the boy couldn’t see the non-sympathetic glance, “It’s just a little further.”

Only a little further, could the man even hear him as he endured all the pain coursing through his body at his changing? He doubted it, yet for some un-named reason he felt this desire to speak with the boy, to try and get him to feel at ease at this wonderful turn point in his life.

A vampire, yes it certainly was a glorious thing to be.


mai furst vamp story, go eazy on meh guiz D:

i can't write horror...i may change whatever it's in lata.

gawdihateit. may change the title

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