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There once was a day that I went through a time of “Enlightenment.” It was more a process really, it would begin to happen when I saw with myself and thought of all that surrounded me, and it would continue to happen when my mind peered into my own education. It was a time where I just wanted to step back from my biases and see what was really there.

Was there a god out there?

Was there really anything that created us?

It usually came to me on days that were dark and damp, days that were designed for thinking. I would describe them as designed, but did I really think they were? Were certain days made for things? Was this place even designed to begin with?

That isn’t what a lot of people said.

But quite a bit of people said those other people were wrong.

What was with people’s fascination to find out where we came from? Men seem to really like to disagree. Men do that, they fight a lot of seemingly pointless things. That was another step to the process of enlightenment, on those dreary days the thoughts of sexism would jump in. Men seemed to feel they were far superior to women, their religion even confirmed it, and so it must be true, yet…men have caused the wars, men start these stupid fights, men encourage hatred and intolerance.

Back onto this process of “Enlightenment.”

That day came; the god that they all preached about couldn’t be true. This was the final step, the shedding of a repressive belief.

That was the final step.

This makes me “Enlightened?”


an english essay i can't seem to get accepted |8

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2012 ⏰

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