Delusional •Scene II

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Scene ||


So that was his name then? –It didn’t matter; socializing with him was out of the question. As soon as his mother left they directed us to another room in the train and our journey began to Capital One. The whole ride took about three days and not once did he even speak to me, though it was probably best he kept quiet, I wasn’t sure what his voice sounded like and if it was too deep for a girl, he would arouse suspicion.

We were given our instructor though he didn’t pay too much attention to us; he occasionally made small talk with me at our dinners. Dean, that was his name, he was a fairly approachable guy, very kind-hearted and he was as excited for the games as the next person. He was friendly and even tried to get Mahk to join our light conversations, but he too got the cold shoulder. He didn’t seem too fond of this attitude.

“What’s your deal, missy?” He snapped finally at the last dinner we would be having in the train, Mahk’s cold eyes turned from the window to look at Dean’s face, he grimaced after a moment of staring. “I’m going to die and you’re asking me what my deal is?”

I choked back my food; the voice was almost identical to Rai’s, just slightly deeper and harder. He really could pass for her!

“It’s a great honor to be part of the games though!”

I decided to but in, Mahk’s face was dangerous and I could tell his next words would certainly bite, “She just doesn’t like the idea of her twin watching her die! They were incredibly close you know?”

Mahk’s frightening gaze was then fixated on me, I shivered and swallowed down a sip of water from a nearby glass. His gaze faltered and his paled lips pursed slightly, it appeared I had hit the nail on the head. Mahk sharply turned away again; he was probably going to drift back into silence for the rest of this ride. I looked back over to our mentor and smiled at him, he seemed to be at a loss for words, “I…I see.” He whispered and his tone made me doubt that he actually did, “Well don’t worry missy! I saw your Academy records and your scores were pretty impressive-“

A lie.

“…I believe you two can win it this year!”

Another lie.

A snarl sounded before me and Mahk’s knife and fork clanged loudly against the china. He had slammed his fists to the table and slid his chair back; he was exiting now muttering dark words under his breath.

Scores…It was something our Academy would give us during training, Rai’s had always been so low. At this moment, I couldn’t recall Mahk’s, mine had been fairly high, only because I got top marks in hand to hand combat. It brought me a slight comfort, but I of course knew that other districts such as twelve and eleven would have the strongest tributes. The children there were trained much longer than children here and they were injected with bitterness.

“Disgusting.” I barked.

“Excuse me?”

“This water.”

I too pushed myself out of my seat, only more civilized than the male before me, slowly I stalked after him, and glowering at the door he had steered out of. What was this little shit playing at? He had to act like this was the greatest thing in his life! I didn’t want him acting like this, it could jeopardize us, and it could make more than just the other tributes target us.

The door slide open and I quickly shouted down the hall at his retreating form, “Hey!” He turned sharply to me, appearing frightening, but his clenched muscles relaxed at the sight of me, he exhaled slowly, “What do you want?”

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