I Dare Ya'

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Dare realized how dangerous these pictures were getting, when sitting in his room he ran his fingers over the leather binding and covers of his many sketchbook, all of them filled to the brim with pictures he had drawn. Things he’d seen, his dogs, his parents…things he’d grown to take a liking to, like Andres…His face flushed as he skipped through the book and caught a couple of the boy, they weren’t sensual as some other of his pictures were, yet still. He had a thought once about putting Andres in that kind of situation in a drawing.

Besides, he now knew something…it was getting even more dangerous. He had to stop this, close his account on that stupid site, he’d hide everything, he’d deny it all-

A knock interrupted his thoughts loudly, who dared-?

“Josh? You in there?” His mother…Dare quickly shoved his books under his comforter, unwinding his legs he hurried to the door and pulled it open, his eyes focused upon his mother short stature, “The phone is for you…Some guy.”

Some guy?

Dare snatched the phone up, pressing the receiver to his ear, “Hello?”

“Oh hey! Dare?” It was Andres; this was no mistake, but how,

“How did you get this number?”

He hesitated, Dare felt a smirk form on his features. His mother was still here though, she was giving Dare this look though now (As she had seen the smirk) Dare snarled silently at her and slammed the door shut. She huraffed, but left and Dare flopped down on his bed with a content sigh, “Uhh…Your ex gave it to me….Ahah. She kind of likes me sooo.” Dare found it cute how the other drew out his word.

“Clarissa? Yeah, yeah…She likes everyone.”

Andres melodic laugh chimed through, Dare rolled over on his side. He could feel it, the loud beating of his heart echoing in his ears. It was embarrassing yet it comforted Dare oddly enough…”She’s alright, I don’t know what she was seeing in you though.”

He was teasing, Dare could tell from the tone, but still he found himself frowning, “So…Why are you calling me?”

“I need your cellphone. I need to text ya’.”

Oh right…

Dare glanced to his cellphone that rested neatly on his bedside table, “Uhm…You got a pen?”

Andres was moving, Dare could hear him, Dare swallowed rather loudly. He was going to get the boy’s cellphone number, this was…just amazing. Who cares of the day had been going bad, this was wonderful. With that number, he was getting closer to Andres he was getting more personal with the boy of his teenage dreams. “Yeah, yeah, give me your digits.”

Dare waited momentarily before speaking, “596-0234.”

“Alright, got it, ganna text ya now.” The phone clicked off, Dare frowned, he’d much rather hear Andres’ voice than read his words. His phone began buzzing; he took it up and flipped it open,


Dare frowned, it was from an unknown number.

Andres no doubt.

Dare replied saying that he’d love to this weekend, his fingers shook as he typed it though. It was almost like it could be…Dare shook his head vigorously, he couldn’t think such things because he knew for certain he would be shot down. Nothing like that would ever happen for him.

Andres only answered with a smiley…Dare grimaced.


It had approached, the day that Andres and Dare were going to hang out, outside of school. Dare was skeptical, why would Andres wanna hang out with him? Dare scared everyone off basically…it was odd to have someone get friendly with him. It was nice, especially since he liked the guy, but still he and Andres had only been in the same class a couple years in a row, this would mark the third. They only caught glimpses of each other; they only shared a few words. That was enough for Dare to develop a small crush though, Andres was so…warm appearing. Dare wanted to feel his skin, he wanted to cuddle up with him or in his lap, almost like a doting puppy. It was sad, really, Dare wouldn’t deny that.

Dare pulled the collar of his jacket farther over his shoulders, he shrugged slightly as he hopped out into the chilly November air, he didn’t have to meet Andres for a few hours, but there was something he had to do first.

With his sketchbook in hands, Dare clambered up the ladder to his old tree house, it was too small for him now, but if he ever needed a place to really hide something from everyone, here it was. Dare glanced around the shabby and dusty hide out, inhaling the musty and cool air slowly as he looked for a place to hide these books. It was cluttered…With stuff he didn’t want nor didn’t want found. Embarrassing photo albums were crammed under a toy box, revealing posters were shoved into corners and now, his sketchbooks would belong to this mess. Though since these must be seen by no one, Dare opened up his old toy chest, rummaging the toys aside so he could place the now bound books at the bottom, with a sort of disappointed sigh he laid the toys over them and shoved the lid shut.

That was the last step, he already explained to his watchers that were would be no more uploads…Hopefully for just a while till he could write off the other’s superstition, but until then, he would keep this to himself.

The floor creaked as Dare’s weight moved above it, he slowly climbed down to the crisp ground, his finger-less gloved hands gripped the front of his coat as a cool breeze blew through. He was starting now, to where he was going to meet Andres.

Would it be weird though to be early? Would Andres think he was…well…too excited for this?

Dare swallowed. He decided to push the thoughts aside.

Dare plunked down on a lonely bench when he arrived at the small, town park. This was where he was to meet Andres. He grimaced slightly as his knuckles rubbed slightly against the rough wood, could this really count as a date? In the cool air Dare felt his face flush, his heart skipped a beat at the thought.

It was possible. A date with Andres that was, Dare smiled shyly.

Just a few more moments.

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