I Dare Ya'

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Dare was just having one of those days, after Andres had spoken to him everything seemed to get worse. That kid had snapped at Dare earlier in gym, he had received a good kick in the shin, Dare accidently knocked Mrs. Crocker over and causes her coffee to spill everywhere and to top it off, she splashed the stuff all over Dare’s uniform so now, and he was now sporting a tan stain on his chest. He didn’t get why today had gone so wrong…Maybe because all he could think about was, well, that incident. Once on it, he never really seemed to be able to think of anything else.

The bell rang, what period was this?

Oh, Art.

Dare would sit alone and sketch as usual, and he’d preferably sketch nothing. He didn’t have people to sketch…Though there was always his dog. He did draw him often.

Dare sat at his table, unconsciously glancing to Andres’ group table. Mostly girls sat with him, a few arrogant appearing guys sat in between. Must be great to be popular…Dare set his sketch book out, his hb pencil held lightly in his hand, “You’re free to work on whatever project you wish class. It must pertain to art class though!” Dare smiled at the teacher’s words, he could just sketch...whatever or rather whomever he wanted. He watched closely as Andres gathered what he needed then sat back at his table. When his movements slowed and he focused on his work, Dare began to sketch him.

Soft, fairly light strokes, Dare couldn’t stop his goofy grin. Drawing Andres, why hadn’t he thought of this earlier? His sketch was literally filled with his dogs, a few of his family and some other things he’d rather not disclose, but still.

Since Dare was so focused on Andres, the noise around him died out as did the other students, they were seemingly a blur.

Peaceful, that’s what it was.

“Who are you drawing?” That nasally voice rudely smashed into Dare’s mind, it caused Dare’s soapy smile to drop. He knew that cold and annoying voice, Mary Morrison. She was the girl who really did have the ‘play-boy bunny’ persona. Bleach blond hair, sparkling blue eyes to match, slender figure, yet slightly larger in the right place, the frown she currently wore clashed with her look though.

Dare growled softly, he strongly, strongly disliked this girl. She just used her gender over him, seeing as men aren’t allowed to hit women, she could bug him all she wanted. Oh but that didn’t stop him from wanting to. And why was she looking at what he was sketching anyway?! Didn’t she have work too?! “Why do you care?” He instinctively drew the now shut book closer to his chest, “I’m just drawing.”

She sniffed at him, raising her head higher, why?! “Just wanted to know, he was cute.” She skulked back to her table after that, Dare breathed out relieved.

Duh, Andres was cute…

Dare frowned as he reopened his book. It was a nice sketch…Such a shame to waste it. His gaze fell to the actual Andres; he bit his lower lip as he tore it out then folded it, an absurd thought taking over his mind. He then waiting for the break before chasing after Andres, “Andres!” he called, catching a two finger hold on the boy’s Oxford shirt. Andres blinked, surprised when he was pulled to an almost complete stop, but then he smiled.

“What is it Dare?” He asked cheerfully, he seemed too delighted in the fact Dare had talked to him, Dare grimaced a bit.

He could already feel the blush creeping up on his face, “Uh…Erm.” He crammed the folded paper quickly into Andres’ arms before he could even reconsider the dangerous thought, “I…uhm…Drew you in Art today.” He averted his grey eyes, he could only imagine how embarrassed he must appear, and his face was probably so red, “Sorry.” Dare tried to move away, but Andres suddenly held his wrist, Dare didn’t have the strength to fight his gentle hold.

“You drew this?” He was smiling so large now, Dare decided to stick around now, just to see more of it.


“This…is amazing really! But…I think I’ve seen stuff similar to it.”

Oh, no.

“This guy, he just…Stuff he submits online, it’s wonderful and your styles look so much alike.” Andres’ eyebrows furrowed as he thought deeply about it, it couldn’t be the same, really. Dare wouldn’t draw some of the things on there, just no. “I have a link to his gallery; I’d gladly show you it.”

Dare nodded, though he was fairly sure he didn’t need it, he already knew what or rather who he was referring to, “That’d be nice.” Still it was the thought that counted. Andres actually wanted to ‘talk’ to Dare and show him stuff that was all that mattered in Dare’s mind.

Andres face suddenly flushed, Dare couldn’t help, but find it cute, “B-but don’t tell anyone about what’s on it! I don’t look at those.” His snapping tone made Dare cringe. Yeah, he was sure he’d never like such a thing as those. Dare frowned.

“Wh-what are they of?” Again, he was pretty sure what it was, but just to make sure. He bit back a grin, he just couldn’t believe this!

Andres light eyes darted around, did he dare tell Dare? Mentally, his eyes rolled, how dumb had that thought sounded to him just now. He swallowed quickly then spoke, “Just of guys.” He breathed a laugh; he’d never admit that he actually found the pictures interesting to anyone…”I better get my stuff for class, I’ll email ya later!”

Dare nodded, watching as Andres ran off. This was some interesting information. Dare smirked as he turned away, his body collided with a much smaller one, a flash of blonde alerted him to who it was. “Sorry, Mary.” He couldn’t help, but apologize though. She snickered, not even saying a word as she walked away, Dare frowned, heading to his locker now wondering what she had been laughing at.

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