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Happy birthday to Nikki<3

*this is a branch off of the Hunger Games.

*Mahk: Is pronounced ‘Mock.’

Lawl, homoerotic boys.



The Games were a big part in our society’s life, it was a rather barbaric ceremony in my own mind, yet the collection of city states, known as Capitals, loved the idea of offering their own children up for a battle to the death with twenty eight other offerings. I wasn’t sure where this originated, these games…It is always taught in school that there was once a treaty and it forced each capital to send in two tributes of both male and female between thirteen and seventeen. These tributes were chosen by votes. The most ‘loved’ children would be selected and the citizens would vote for their favorite, they would vote for the ones they felt could actually win in this battle. The two tributes would then go and battle together so they could return home…On occasion there would be only one victor, but mostly it was the pair from the capital.

My eyes narrowed as I stared at my photographed face on the banister, it drifted slowly in the slight breeze of Capital Fifteen, the votes were increased, the numbers were practically a blur and it brought a great unease to my gut.

Even worse though, the banister beside mine that held the face of the most popular female tribute was Rai…My heart gave a slight tug at the sight of her face and name, the last person I would want as my partner in this thing was her…The girl had always been loveable, but she’d never won before! –She’d never even come close to winning! And to make these matters even worse, she was such a frail looking girl. She’d never last in a fight…

My eyes scanned the city square for her, I of course managed to spot her right away, and her pale blonde hair fell just over her slouched shoulders. My eyes scanned over her, taking in the fierce determination on her face and the slight rage that prickled in her vibrant blue eyes. She appeared to be thinking foul thoughts, her body posture radiated anger. Her eyes were focused on her picture, I couldn’t understand her rage, her mother behind her seemed extremely pleased even and her twin…My thoughts faltered, the other twin was gripping tightly to their mother’s hand. This other twin fit the more familiar form I had grown to known Rai as, the one standing before them was broader, more square…Wasn’t one twin male? Surely the one holding onto the mother’s hands was not the male…Or was the other twin even male? I couldn’t quite remember.

Those vibrant eyes flickered over to mine and I quickly averted my dark eyes and allowed my brown hair to fall over my eyes. Secretly I prayed she hadn’t noticed my staring at her…I hoped that the poor girl never ever noticed it…I couldn’t help myself…My stomach began to flutter at past thoughts of this young girl. The day I met her in the field, running along with her twin in tow, all the times she spoke up in class, her singing in music class…and…the time she went to the dance. I frowned at the memory; I should have asked her out before that other guy had.

Oh well.

“Welcome everyone!” The all too cheery voice of our mayor, Miss Ginger, she had never been married, she was far too annoying to be. I glanced up at her as did everyone else in the square, “the voting has ended and it is now time to mention our new tributes.”

There was an excited murmur and shiver rippling through the crowd.

It was obvious who had won, why even declare it?

My stomach plummeted,

“Gentlemen first.” I hated her sickening grin, she waved her gloved hand towards the banister to her right and it revealed my young face, “Avon Sierra!”

I snarled and started my way to the front, towards the steps that lead up to the stage. People were clapping me on the back and congratulating me on my ‘luck.’ I snorted with disgust at them. My steps slowed as I found myself brushing past Rai and her…sister? My eyes ran over Rai’s body again, it was more square than I recalled, her eyes met mine and she snarled at me, I swallowed quickly and practically jogged to the stage and up the stairs.

Her eyes were so full of discontent, did she know? Had she figured it out that my feelings were far from pure? Well, now wasn’t the time to concern myself with that!

“Congratulations dearie.” Whispered Granger who I now stood beside, “And now, for our female tribute.” At the wave of her hand, Rai’s face was revealed, instantly a blood curdling scream broke the usual cheer.

Everyone’s eyes fell upon the much weaker looking twin that was now clinging to Rai closely; tears were streaming down her face and her screams flooded the square,

“Get off!” Rai’s voice shouted as she tried to shove the other away from her,

“You can’t go, please!”

“Mother get her out of here.”

The parent gripped her child firmly and threw her over her shoulder; she didn’t even give Rai another glance as she left the square with a hysterical child on her shoulder. Rai soon joined me on the platform and stood on the other side of Ginger, her expression was sour, yet I took notice to the pool of water around her eyelids.

The typical announcements followed suit, I didn’t pay any attention to Miss Ginger’s speech, and I had heard it for many years before this. Instead I paid attention to the girl beside me, her jawline was much harder and her arms were tighter than I remembered…The fluttering in my stomach ceased, the girl beside me, that wasn’t Rai!

“Well, come on now.” The mayor was ushering us out along with a few other burly looking men, the shoved us onto a train shortly after leading us down the road, “You’ll be able to say good-bye to family, separate rooms, across from each other, we’ll leave for Capital One after that.” The supposed Rai had already fled into a room; I didn’t expect his mother to come visit him. I sat quietly on the bench in my room, my parents had already said their good-byes this morning so I doubted a visit at all, yet the door slowly creaked open. I swallowed as I stared up at Rai’s mother; her sleek hair hung loosely around her head and cascaded down to her slender body. She didn’t seem at all pleased her ‘daughter’ had been chosen.

“You can tell can’t you?”

I knew instantly was she was referring to, I nodded slowly at her.

“You will keep this a secret for as long as you can, correct?”

Again I nodded. The woman came over and wrapped her arms tightly around my broad shoulders, she sniffled, “Please, take care of Mahk, don’t let them brutalize him.”

My arms hung limply by my sides for some time, but I pulled the woman close to me in a tight embrace. Mahk…Rai’s twin really was male after all. This explained all his rather more masculine features, though I was an expert at Rai, of course the difference would be easy for me to spot. “I promise.” I felt nothing towards the boy, yet seeing this mother plead before me I took pity upon her…I would return her son to her, if I could. No other capital pair was going to defeat us…

This of course wasn’t just for Mahk, I too wanted to return.

For if I won, she’d then notice me…


To be continued.


Well Nikki, here's the start of my fail story for you. I haven't finished it yet, but IT WILL BE SOON! -This is just the intro for it!

Have a lovely day m'dear. :) You are such a wonderful person, so you deserve an equally wonderful gift! Happy birthday! -again. xD

Silly Short Stories and PoemsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz