I Dare Ya'

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Dare leaned back against the cool, stone surface of the brick walled building; he was by the library where Andres’ now recent text had told him to wait for him. He originally awaited at the park, but Andres wanted him here apparently. He was sitting on the wall that ran along the steps, his eyes open as he gazed at people walking past him slowly, cheerfully and bundled up. Dare paid extra attention to the people in pairs or with their arms linked, he let his mind wander for a moment about whether he could one day do that with his dear Andres.

Don’t get your hopes up.

Dare breathed out, pressing his back further into the wall till it began to ache. He wished that just once his wish would be able to come true, well…another one of his wishes, one of his wishes had already become true recently…Though he now had to leave it behind due to his crush.


Dare looked over, there wrapped in a thin scarf trotted Andres, he hopped up the steps gleefully, a large smile plastered on his dimpled face. He ran right up to Dare, brushing through some people and receiving glances for his ‘rude’ behavior, his smile directed to Dare was just so large, “You’re here really.” He laughed softly, “Ah! You must be cold.” Andres’ fingers enclosed around Dare’s wrist and tugged him so he’d willingly hop off the wall and down to him, Andres looked up to him, “I’m here to show you something, but I hope you won’t mind…I have to do some errands so will you join me?”

Dare smiled, “Of course!” He flushed after the words lefts his mouth, maybe that sounded a little too excited. It was just errands after all…Anything with Andres would be fun though…

Andres nodded quickly, “Great! Fantastic! I…uh…didn’t want to just stop hanging out after this, you see.” Andres turned away sharply, “Let’s just…go.” He ran in after that, Dare smiled lightly and treaded after him.

Andres explained the situation as they went to the desk and sat down at the computer, “It fried…My little sister Mmhm.” He leaned over extra close to Dare to make his point really known, “Said she was doing research, can only wonder about what.” He shrugged his broad shoulders, “But anyway! This is really lame of me, but five seconds, then we get to go grocery shopping!” He clapped his hands excitedly, Dare tried his best to smile, (that wasn’t really hard) he hated grocery shopping, but with Andres? That would definitely be a blast for him.

“Okay.” Andres took only a minute, Dare frowned slightly as he began to see his own work, “As I said I don’t look at everything!”


“But it looks like your stuff!” Andres reached into his pants pocket, pulling out the picture Dare had drawn him; he unfolded it and began to examine the picture with one in Dare’s gallery. The boy ruffled up his dark hair,


“Yeah man?”

Dare didn’t even get a glimpse.

“I’ve already seen that guy’s stuff.”

Andres now directed his attention to Dare’s face, “Really?” Dare nodded slowly and swallowed, “Ahah, small world! What do you think?”

Dare wasn’t sure how to answer this question, he wasn’t favorable of his work, but he didn’t despise it either, he recognized his talent. He wasn’t the greatest there was of course, but he was better than some. He grimaced then spoke, “I guess…He’s good.”

Andres was giving him an in-ridiculous expression, “Dare…” The boy exhaled loudly through his nostrils then closed off and stood up, “Well…ready to run errands?” His familiar smile was back once again, Dare nodded excitedly. Yes! He was ready to go for sure.

As they walked out something warm enveloped Dare’s hand and spread in between his fingers, his smile fell as he glanced down to see Andres’ hand woven into his, when he looked up at the other boy he only smiled at Dare. Dare’s lips parting, yet nothing came from his mouth, he had no objections to this what-so-ever, but why was Andres holding his hand? He was overly friendly yes, but not to this extent. Well…Dare didn’t really know to what extent, he hadn’t exactly hung around Andres that much.

“To the grocery store?” Dare whimpered, Andres ‘tsked’ him loudly, he held Dare’s and his hand up suddenly,

“To the grocery store!” He exclaimed, breaking out in laughter immediately after the librarian shushed him. He glanced at Dare and a faint color fell over his face then he turned back and pushed the door open for them.

It was short, too short for Dare, they had arrived at the grocery store seemingly moments after that, Andres’ hand still clinging tightly to Dare’s slightly larger one. He couldn’t get his mind off it, it was all he could think about, his eyes would wonder down to it, even when he was talking to Andres and was supposed to be paying attention to the boy. He felt how hot his face was, he couldn’t believe how fast his heart was beating in his chest at the moment. Dare prayed that Andres wasn’t hearing it, that would be…embarrassing.

As they left, with a bag in their free hands they started to walk back to their homes, more so to Andres, they were stopping here and there to complete some other errands that Andres had, like the post office for his mother or the bank and to one other store on the way there. Dare didn’t recognize this street they were on though. He glanced around at all the new houses, (now shaded with shadows since he and Andres took their dear sweet time.) he noticed that they weren’t even really houses, more of apartments. Dare frowned, he never really liked though, a large house with a yard and some room, he really needed that.

“You live in an apartment?”

Andres nodded his head, “Yeah…It’s crowded, but eh, we deal with it.” What was with his never ceasing smile? Dare could only wonder…

“Do you have any pets?”

Again Andres nodded his head, “Yeah, couple cats.” The boy looked up at Dare, “You?”

Dare couldn’t help, but smile when his dogs were brought into conversations, “Yup, two dogs. I love them a lot.” It sounded so simple, but those words really did express how he felt about those dogs. He felt Andres’ hand tighten around his own,


Dare raised an eyebrow, “Mmhm?”

“Wanna…come and stay? You know…at my place?”

Dare had to look at Andres’ face, he felt bad after he did though cause all he saw was how red the boy’s face was. Yes, even in his dark lighting, he could see the deep shade of red creeping over his young face. Dare loved the idea! But…Would it be…weird? Dare felt his own face heat up, oh lord, did he even dare?

“I-I” He stammered, Andres’ eyes went to him, “I’d like…to.” Dare nodded after and smiled down at Andres, quickly, Andres’ awkward expression broke and his cheerful expression took over, he sped up practically dragging Dare behind him as he ran to his house.

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