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Just...No xD


Den smirked, drawing his fingers over his chin, feeling the slight bristles, he glanced behind him at his 'friend', his rather short friend, but then again, Den was over six feet...But, also, it didn't change the fact that Andrew was about five foot...Five? He could never remember his height exactly; he was either off by an inch or two. 

Andrew stood by the doorway of the bathroom, staring off towards the shower, Den smirked more at the distant expression on his 'companions' face, he looked so lost in his head. 

Splashing water on his face, Den decided to ask, what exactly it was that Andrew was thinking about, the blonde blinked and looked towards the dark haired male, his reflection in the mirror anyway. He bite his lower lip, shifting on his feet, 

"Nothing." He finally answered, looking back towards Den's shower. 

"For nothing it seems pretty distracting." 

Andrew now smirked himself, " is." He smiled up at Den, "You've been washing your face for a while, come on now." He nodded his heads towards the rest of the apartment, "Let's get out of here." 

"Anywhere special in mind?" Den removed himself from his reflection and stepped out the small room, purposely brushing against Andrew. 

"Hrm...You know, I don't mind anywhere as long as I have company." 

Den chuckled slightly, "Any kind of person?" He paused when picking up his sweater from the counter top, looking towards Andrew. Andrew was trying to cover up the fact his face was red, he was failing of course, Den felt a pang of jealousy, that must have been who was distracting Andrew so much, Den didn't want to be face with the fact of Andrew belonging to someone else. 

"No...Not anyone." Andrew followed Den out the door, frowning at how his head barely even made it Den's chest, he really was tiny compared to the male, but Andrew was small either way. 

"So...A special person?" Den tried to smile as Andrew hopped beside him, trying to match his stride, "A woman perhaps?" 

"I'm either the same height as a girl or shorter than her, really." Andrew frowned at the teasing, he knew how short he was, no need to rub it in. "No need to rub it in, Den." He grumbled, and the larger male nodded his head,  

"Yes, I know." He grinned, holding the door open for Andrew, 

"Thanks." Den bit his lower lip, it was a little agonizing to hang out with this guy, he wasn't annoying, and no he was completely the opposite. He was cute, well; maybe the reason for that was because he was tiny, even now, at a hard time like this Den couldn't help, but giggle slightly at how adorable he looked when he walked. Den would have to admit it one day; he had a thing for people so much shorter than him.  

Den knew it, he liked Andrew, not like he'd ever tell him now, he had a feeling that his feelings wouldn't be returned, with a sigh, he asked, "Where to?" 

"The park." Andrew chirped, Den smiled slightly, at least he could always be friends, despite he would probably be tempted to bash the girl's face in. 

"Alright." Den frowned; still...Being friends wasn't the same.  

Upon feeling something warm grasp his large fingers, Den looked towards his side at Andrew's smiling face, "It'll be okay, whatever's bothering you." Andrew grinned even larger and squeezed Den's fingers. 


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