The Moon For Which I Howl

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  • Dedicata a Peanut-Butter<3

For some one very special, even though this story makes little to no-sense, it's how I feel in the whole matter...Nothing is making sense, that and it's all I can write about. btwwww, my spanish sucks in this. c; and, Florence+ The Machine, really nows how I feel, kinda sad.

No, this isn't for peanut-butter, the food, though it's his pet name.


Those purple-pink eyes stared at me, his snow white hair falling around his face, with pure white skin a ghostly glow cast around it by the silver moon. I breathed out as best as I could, feeling the restraint around my neck, keeping me from my beloved. I wanted to go over to him, I wanted to brush my finger tips to his smooth skin, but they wouldn't let me...They wouldn't let me.

He was turning, leaving me here with those people, heading up towards the dark forest, the black that would swallow up his white body; I cried out, he couldn't leave me here!

"Amor!" I screamed, jumping forward only to be choked back by the chain, my hand swung forward, grasping at the air in a useless attempt to catch a hold of his far away body. "No! No salgas!" My back hit the hard ground with a thud, the collar constricting my breathing. "Mi amor, no salgas, mi amor." I felt the water well up in my eyes; I didn't want to be here all alone...

Resentment soon began to well up in my chest, it burned, this feeling of hate towards the one I once loved, or still did love. They were watching me during this time, the priests that had tied me back, trying to keep me away from the one I desired so much, the only one to show me such affection on manners they weren't used to, ways that were different and frightened them.

Then there came a night, my eyes were focused on the cold moon, soon the chain holding me fell to the ground with a loud clank. I was free, with only a loose chain to drag against the earth. I knew just what to chase, the snow white back of my once beloved.

Straight for the forest, the wind whipping at my locks of brown, the rage pressing me on despite the pain rocks and briers caused my ankles and feet, no matter how much they cut up my feet, I was focused on finding him, I wanted to tear him open and take what belonged to me and no one else, his heart.

Those eyes, that light purple-pink I caught a glimpse and froze on the spot, blood running along my ankle and to the ground, the pain easily ignored as I imagined ripping into my 'love's flesh, taking a bite of his body, getting a taste.

I licked my lips, staring up into his eyes. No matter how tall, he was mine to take. I ran forward, feeling my shoulder connect to his chest, he grunted stumbling over onto his back. Those eyes, shock shining brightly in them stared back up at me and into my own. I felt no shame, no pity, I would take what was mine.

My fingers dragged the collar of his shirt, tearing half from his pure body, the pure body soon to be tainted in the red of its own blood. I leaned over his chest, my lips brushing against the soft skin, feeling its warmth and shivering slightly in a sick wave of pleasure as I prepared myself for my attack. I nipped at him; he squirmed at the slight pinch,


A gasp escaped those lips as my teeth sunk into his skin, my nails raking down his side, he cringed under me, but did no more. It was confusing me, I was tearing into him, persistent as taking a piece of him, all he did was fidget under me and the pain.

Harder on I latched, my tongue flicking across the skin as the irony taste pricked my taste buds. More, I wanted to make him cry out, I wanted him to feel pain. My love, he left me there, he didn't know what I went through, staring at the moon and only dreaming on his ghostly skin. He would never be kind to me again after this; I would never have to feel that pain.

My mouth parted from his shoulder, I leaned back, sitting upon his stomach, our eyes meeting once again. I reached over with my fingers, tainted with his blood, brushing them to his lips and cheek, he made no attempt to snap at me, hurt me anymore. I snarled, what was he doing?! I would tear out all his affection.

I bit into his neck, a cry of pain passing through his lips, his body contorted underneath me. Why wasn't he fighting me?

I broke his skin once again, panting as I licked the marks I had left on his neck, he groaned in the back of his throat, those eyes looking to me, trying to watch me more closely.

I sat up, staring at him with puzzled feelings, his white hand reached up to graze my cheek, he whispered to me, something I couldn't hear so I leaned closer. His warm lips met mine as I did, I felt my eyes grow wide, looking at his closed ones.

I winced as his teeth bit into my lower lip, drawing blood, mixing ours together as his tongue ran over the mark. I didn't know why, what made me, I slowly pressed my lips back to his.

My beloved, the tears were falling from my eyes onto his face. I had turned into a monster, a beast that had to call for its moon that lit up its way.

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