Gone Away, A While

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Last couple. First chapter for first pairing will be up soon.


It was admiration, that what it was and that was what I had kept telling myself all the time. And it was true. He was everything I wanted to be, the boy I dreamed of becoming in high school. It was something I admired, that strong character, those fierce eyes; he had become something so wonderful…Something I wanted.

Reckless, idiotic, teenage angst, those words that adults threw at him; I wanted to be called those things. I wanted to be referred to as the ‘typical’ teenager. How could he possess them and not I? Why was it unattainable for me?

Why could I not be him?

The roof top of our school was a place he typically hung out together during lunch. He used to more than I did, since he liked to ditch classes and everything, something I didn’t dream of doing. It was a pleasant place, a forbidden place for the most part, but students ventured where they wished here, no one said anything to them. It was a place to relax, a place to relax with a companion. Yet this rooftop was no such a place for me, this was a trap, nothing but time to cause me to swim in my jealousy of him. A place where my so called admiration would turn into that sickening burning sensation that would well up in my chest and stomach.

What would he do, I wondered, if he knew what I thought about him? If he knew how much I wanted what he had, if he knew how much I hated him over his personality. He was normal, he was accepted, and I was a freak. And it was odd enough he even chose to hang around me, people made fun of him for it. Yet all he did was smile and reply about how great I was. It was almost depressing; he was a true friend, while I was only his friend to drown myself in jealousy.

Conceited, naïve, noisy, he was the complete opposite of me.

We had a sort of balanced relationship. I was the calming force, as he was aggressive force. Similar to Ying and Yang, they balanced each other out. If one left the other would be out of balance.

I smiled a bit, glancing over at his sleeping form.

“If I was gone away a while, what would you do without me?”

Such a pointless question.

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