I Dare Ya'

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gatta heat it uppppp sooonnnn.

Dare found his situation to be quite awkward, he was here alone in this house with only Andres as his company. Dare knew he had family and siblings, he often overheard his conversations with his friends at school about how his older brother and sister are off studying somewhere so his house is practically silent now…His little brother apparently ignores his existence.

It sounds ideal…for him.

Dare grimaced, Andres has hanging up his coat and let out a quick call, but no answer came. He sighed with disappointment, but his expression didn’t match it, his lips curved up in a cat like grin. His eyes met with Dare’s, “We’re here alone it seems.” He whispered Andres clutched tighter to Dare’s hand, it felt as if his hand was also squeezing tightly onto Dare’s heart that now pounded in his chest.

This would prove to be his most tough challenge yet. He would prevail though! No temptation shall crush his,

Ah. His legs were moving there was a numb tug on his arm. Dare stared at Andres’ back as he pulled him though out the house. A few words flew quickly from his paled lips, “Brother’s room, kitchen and living room.” Andres’ family lived in a flat; they were on the bottom floor of this apartment complex, it was a pretty simple place, the kitchen and living room were practically joined together, a bathroom somewhere Dare guessed. A single hall way with all their rooms, seemed crowded, but he suppose Andres dealt just fine with it.

Andres threw open one door, his smirk grew as he found the room to be empty, “Good, so he isn’t home.” He looked back over at Dare; the glint in those beautiful eyes set him in a state of unease, “Neither are my parents it seems.” He let out a soft chuckle, Dare laughed with him just because the noise pleased him.

“So it seems…”Dare took a moment to think, they didn’t move for this time just looked at one another, “Though…is that alright?”

Now he moved they were moving farther down the hall and his hand held tightly to Dare’s wrist, “Is what alright?”

“For us to be here alone?”

He breathed out a laugh, “I’m not alone here with a girl.” He gave Dare a cynical look, he had to wonder why, “Unless…you’re hiding something on me.” The devious smirk that left Dare feeling odd returned. He didn’t like Andres’ face corrupted with that perverse expression.

“Uhm…True, but…” He didn’t want to say that he felt oddly like a woman, in this situation….With this boy that he held such strong feelings for. He felt exactly like a girl with a severe crush and he had that fluttery butterfly feeling girls are always talking about…The feeling of being alone…The feeling that you’re not doing something correctly. His parents would frown for sure.

Andres seemed to sense his distress; he paused and leaned over to look up at Dare’s down turned face, “What’s the matter?”

Dare tried to avert those eyes, his face burned and he imagined it to be scarlet by now, “Uhm…just.”

“Are you nervous?”

What a silly question to ask a man. Dare let out a nervous laugh, “No,” he managed to squeak out.

Andres smile only grew, “Well good.” He turned with his other hand the knob on his door, Dare peered cautiously into the other male’s room. It looked normal…Light blue walls, white sheets on the twin sized bed. A desk…with papers, lots of papers Dare might add and a closet. Andres released his hand and ushered Dare in before him, slowly Dare stepped into the room and took around.

It was neat…despite the desk.

The faint click of a shutting door sent a wave of worry into Dare, he looked back to see Andres with his back pressed to the door, his face was tilted down and his bangs covered his face partially, it obviously wasn’t enough to hide the faint color of rose on his cheeks.

“What are you doing?”

The smirk wavered.

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