I Dare Ya'.

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“I’m beggin’.”

Dare sighed loudly, yeah, he realized that this guy was practically begging him to get with him. Well, not practically, he was literally begging, he had grabbed Dare’s hand and clasped them between his own then spouted all this ‘romantic’ nonsense. (Dare had lost interest half-way through though.) Of course, Dare couldn’t accept such a thing though, especially since he had his steely grey eyes set upon another person.

By some twist of wicked fate, that very male had decided to step into this hallway that Dare was being encroached upon in. The seeming Adonis smiled, his dimples flashing momentarily till the expression fell and he turned his back to face them and headed back the way he came. Dare gritted his teeth, just perfect…

That sucked, Dare figured he got the wrong idea now, with this bozo practically attached to him. He frowned, why did Andres have to come at this point of time? “I’m sorry,” Dare began with a throaty snarl mixed into it, “I’m not interested.” He tore his hand from the kid, “I hate faggots.”

The familiar look of fear flashed upon the boy’s face, he should be afraid! Coming on to another guy like that, it was seriously disgusting. Even though Dare was the same…Dare wanted to follow Andres…But…that wouldn’t be a great idea right now.

He sighed and turned away, just daring the creep to follow him with an aggravated glance.

Dare slid down the door to his room once he was home, an exasperated sigh left his pale lips.

Why? Just why was he so focused on Andres today? Was it because he caught a glimpse of that charming smile? Just for a split second…Now it was permanently etched into his brain, that image…Before it left his face. Yeah, that sounded sort of creepy. That was okay though, right?

There came a loud knocking on his door, “Josh?! You home?!”

How he hated his name…”Yeah, mom.”

She left after that, Dare relaxed slightly with a quick swallow he stood and moved towards his desk, pulling books from his bag as he went.

Homework that would clear his cluttered mind…

Math, Literature, Physics, they’d distract him from the thought of that young face. He sat at the desk then began his work.

Andres now stood before Dare, he blinked repeatedly, he recognized this place, he stood here seemingly only hours before when the boy had approached him…It was much bright though, which was-

“Uhm.” Andres’ timid voice caught Dare’s attention; the male’s slight tanned face was tinted red with a soft blush. Dare swallowed, this was- Oh he and Andres were so close to one another right now, “I uh…well.” Andres rubbed the back of his neck. This guy! How could he be so cute?!

Dare put on his best smile, “What is it?”

Andres’ eyes averted his, “I kind of…Like you…a lot, Dare.”

This couldn’t be happening right now…This was totally a dream! A wonderful dream, Dare didn’t want to wake up, but he found himself pinching his arm either way. He was still here…”Hrm.” He was still here, Andres was as well, still gazing over at him with that alluring look to him. “This is great?”

“Dare” Andres leaned forward, Dare’s heart rate spiked, “Wake up.”


Andres jostled Dare; just the face that he was even touching Dare brought a wave of satisfaction through him, “Josh! Get up! You’ll catch a cold.”

He knows my name? Dare blinked, the dimmed lighting of his room and his wooden desk was now what he saw. Someone was shaking him and it wasn’t the inviting hands of Andres…Dare groaned in frustration, his mother let him go; “You fell asleep doing work.” She ‘tsked’ him loudly.

Dare felt like crying, why had it been a dream?! Why? Why?! Why!! “Why…”

He could feel his mother’s quizzical gaze then he heard the footsteps and the door opening then closing.

Well that just sucked such a lovely dream too. Dare now sat up and wiped some drool from his chin, paper lay scattered on his desk, one had a dribble of his drool upon it. He felt little sympathy for it. Another sigh, he felt he was sighing way too much lately; he began once again on his coursework. He had to finish, it was getting late too, and dinner would be soon.

Atleast he got to see Andres’ blushing face…

Waking up and getting dressed was a challenge for Dare the following morning, especially since his dreams were far more welcoming than his reality. That and Andres usually starred in them, sure he could see him in real life, but nothing compared to that. Honesty, it was truly a beautiful thing.

Dare shook his head of those thoughts, no those weren’t good at all! He flipped his seemingly black bangs back and pulled his shirt over his head then trumped out of his room and down the stairs to the kitchen. The lovely aroma of eggs and toast brought a deep rumble to his hollow stomach. Yes, breakfast, he wanted some, now.

With a smile his mother held out a plate of food to him, “Morning Josh.” Thank the Lord for his mother and her cooking, he smiled as he took the plate and thanked her, “You look refreshed this morning, good sleep?”

Oh, yeah, sure, wonderful. All Andres, all night.  A lump of food caught in Josh’s throat at the thought. Oh, he was horrible today, he could already tell. He quickly swallowed down the lump down and choked out, “You could say that.”

His mother rubbed his shoulders affectionately, “You okay?”

Dare nodded his head, “Yeah.”

Everything seemed to be moving fairly quickly today, well everything else didn’t really matter…

“Dare, what’s up?” That voice, Dare’s eyes turned away from the window to Andres standing beside his desk. Dare blinked, Andres rarely ever said hello to him…They were in totally different groups in the school. Believe it or not, Dare wasn’t all that popular, but he chose that. Andres on the other hand, oh everyone loved him, even Dare…”How’d yesterday go?”

Oh, he just wanted to know about that…Of course he did, who wouldn’t want to know if the mighty Dare was gay or not? Dare might as well just…lie basically. “Annoying. Guys after other guys.” He clicked his tongue then shook his own head, “I guess they just wanna use me for stuff…To scare bullies off ya’ know?”

Yeah, Dare was full of himself all right, he caught himself before he sighed once again. Andres chuckled softly, that laugh almost carried Dare to another planet, but he held himself down so he could keep focused on those laughing leafy colored eyes, “I don’t think they’d really fear your bitch Dare. You? Yeah, the person hangin’ with ya’? Not so much…Unless they had the same story as you do.”

Dare frowned, please don’t bring that up Andres…Andres was wanting to say more and Dare felt his head shake a bit, but just as his lips parted the bell rang. Andres slight smirk fell and Dare sprang up from his seat, “I gatta go Andres.” He couldn’t help, but smile, “See you.”

Andres now prominent frown stole away his relieved smile, his disappointed mumble almost shattered Dare’s heart, “Good-bye.”

He darted out of that classroom, good though, now he could avoid Andres all day. Well till lunch and the last two periods, but they sat at totally different tables and groups, so it would be fine…Of course Dare didn’t sit with a group. Alone, yeah, that was more befitting for a kid with a nickname such as ‘Dare’.

A sigh escaped him, he felt so weird wanting to avoid the person he liked.

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