"There's a difference between calling you a Squib because people want to offend you; when you can obviously do magic. And calling Lysander a squib; when he obviously can't. I haven't seen him do a spell in all five years we've been here. The only thing he's good at is history and potions. Let me guess, he needs help with Defense Against the Dark Arts?" Scorpius explains. Albus was quiet, nodding. "He's a squib, he has magical parents but can't do magic. It happens. Get a new student, you're setting yourself up for failure." He wasn't using a harsh tone, just a simply and straightforward one, trying to get Albus to see reason. Not that it would work; Potter usually did what he wanted and when he wanted. So the blonde wasn't in the least surprised to hear his next words.

"Well I just thought I'd share with you. I'm going to tutor him, I don't need your permission." Albus points out. "Plus, I don't quite care if he can do magic or not. I find him cute- cool." He corrected himself quickly.

"He's boring."

"You think everyone is boring."

"I don't think you are boring, Albus." Scorpius grew silent as Rose Weasley walked by with James Potter and the rest of their group. Compared to the other students, they didn't seem quite as cheery to be back. Scorpius and Albus was quiet, waiting for classes to begin. Down the hallway there's suddenly hushed whispering, curious gazes look towards where students were turning around a corner. "What's going on?" Scorpius wondered aloud. Albus shrugged, not knowing what the commotion was about.

He watched as two students came down the hallway. He recognized both of them immediately. His blood seemed to stop pumping, his face draining of color instantly. One was Aries Carrow. She was beautiful. Her hair was in a an symmetrical cut, black and straight. Eyes that reminded him of a bird; Dark and beady. She was rumored to be the result of inbreeding between the two deatheaters Alecto and Amycus Carrow- who were siblings. They were in Azkaban- ever since Voldemort had died. Aries wasn't allowed at Hogwarts for the longest time, Draco said it was because her family was full of dark wizards. But obviously something had changed considering the fact she was here now; in a Slytherin robe.

Beside her was someone Scorpius wondered if he was ever going to see again; Daniel. His arm was swung around her in a casual manner. He didn't look anything like Scorpius would've expected. His face was bright, a confident smirk plastered across it. Black hair was longer than before, curling under his chin. It seemed a bit darker too. Overall, he looked like he had just come back from vacation. All the students seemed to be in awe; some commented on how hot he looked now. Scorpius couldn't even believe what he was seeing. What had happened? He was so confused. Had the Aurors found him? But if that was the case- why was Aries with him?

Daniel's eyes landed on Scorpius as he went down the hallways, and he bent down to whisper something to Aries as they walked. It was obviously about Scorpius because she immediately turned her gaze onto him as well on the way by. Daniel gave Scorpius a sarcastic wave. Scorpius couldn't even move. He was frozen, watching as they walked away and didn't even look back at him. "Holy shit, Scorpius." Albus grabbed his arm to get his attention. Scorpius shook himself out of it. "Oh my-"

"I know. I know." He looked back but the two students were gone. "And Aries Carrow? What is she doing here?"

"How do you know that's her?" Albus wondered, suddenly confused. Scorpius frowned.

"What do you mean?" He paused, realizing it. How did he know? He had only heard about her; he knew nothing about what she looked like. He'd never seen her before. His father- Draco- has only spoken about her in passing, explaining that she was being raised by muggles and that there had been speculation about sending her a letter for Hogwarts. And they hadn't. For five years, at least. So then how had Scorpius known who that was? "Did you... read her thoughts?" Albus asked. Scorpius chuckles.

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