s e v e n t e e n

Start from the beginning

"this is all i have, guys, and i really do need to go-" he glanced at his watch. somehow, between all of the shirt changes and closing the restaurant and the long journey of settling on which pair of jeans- it was already 7:58 p.m. he really did need to go, but the two girls looked like they weren't even close to being done.

"i know! no offense but you look like a salmon piece, will. we ned something warmer, or maybe some sort of blue?" max said, ignoring will's comment completely. 

"it's just a date," will tried, but was once again ignored entirely. 

"honestly we might have to go with the uniform shirt. the color looks better on him, but it's just so pedestrian!" max started again, and will couldn't help laughing.

"pedestrain?? max i'm going to the bar we were at yesterday, not to a castle!"

"wait, i have an idea. be right back," jane said, jumping up and running out the room. 
"it's sure nice to be listened to. i'm glad i have so much say about my outfit for my date," will said dryly, not mad but kind of amused- he just had to say it though.

max laughed, getting up from the bed to wrap her arms around his neck.

"aww, don't be mad. we're just trying to make this night perfect. i actually can't believe you've here for two weeks and already managed to get one of the hottest guys in town?? damn, byers!" she exclaimed, and will laughed too, the usual blush creeping up to his cheeks.

"i know, i know. i rally am running late, though," he tried again- but luckily for him just then jane burst through the door again, holding a light blue button down.

"put this on!" she ordered, and will didn't waste time arguing or laughing at her weirdly flustered face, but took off his shirt and put the light blue one instead.

it really was perfect. it was too big, but with jane's help rolling the sleeves and tucking it into his jeans, it was just right. he looked... pretty good. like he was actually going to a date.

"you look amazing, will!" jane called, and he broke out into a huge smile, " i knew this shirt would be perfect!" 

"it really does look great on you," max confirmed. and then, leaning to whisper into jane's ear she added, probably thinking will couldn't hear-
"but you'd look even better in that, babe. we really ought to get you one of those," she said, and based on the smacking sound that followed and jane jumping up slightly will knew exactly what she did.

they really were cute, but couldn't they wait just two minutes?

"thanks, guys!" he said. he wanted to hug them, but felt like it wasn't the time, maybe. he really didn't want to get in between... that.

"of course. now, go shag him! make us proud!" max called, and both jane and will laughed shocked laughs and looked at her. she shrugged.

"i stand by my statement. aren't you late?" she said, completely calm, and will shook to life. he really was late.

"see you guys later!" he called, dashing out the door, and by the time he got downstairs he didn't know if his heart was fluttering from excitement or because he really did run fast down those stairs.

and if he had stayed just one minute more, he would've heard max ask her girlfriend, "so where did you get that shirt?"

and the brown haired girl shrugged. "oh, mike gave it to me when i told him about will's date. guess he's good for somthing.

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𝐣𝐮𝐥𝐲 𝟏𝟔𝐭𝐡. 𝟏𝟐𝟎𝟏 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬.

𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐚𝐲𝐬:  ugh transition chapters galore... I just wanted the date to have it's own chapter lol

𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐣𝐨𝐛; bylerWhere stories live. Discover now