left out

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well that was... emotional. this was not how i expected the chapter to turn out but i like it! there's a lot more coming in the next few chapters :) remember to vote and comment! 

i'd also like to dedicate this chapter to @Cubs09 , thank you for commenting, voting and messaging me! it means a lot to me and definitely gives me motivation to continue writing. i love your books as well haha <3 

more dedications coming in the next chapter! (updates coming soon!) 

thanks for 6k views on part one! 


J's pov

"All of you can come down in 2 weeks time to collect Luna and Louie- we need to process all the adoption papers and make sure that they are healthy and ready for adoption!" Ally smiles at us and hands us some documents to sign. Needless to say, Kev and Dani were elated to find out that Louie would be able to visit his sister sometimes. 

About half and hour later, all of us are in our respective cars and on the way back to Kevin's place. Joe and I have decided to move out of Kev's house- even though we didn't tell him, we both feel bad for invading their privacy. Joe's going to stay in my apartment for a while- he can't stand living alone especially with what's going on with his brothers. 

Kev's pov 

I'm still beaming as I pull up to the driveway of my house- It's always been a dream of mine to adopt a puppy, and what's even better is the fact that Joe and J are adopting too. I turn the key, and I'm a little surprised to see Nick laying on the sofa, sleeping. It's about 5 o'clock, and I look around quickly. "Leia?" I whisper, holding the door open for the rest to come in. I hear a pair of feet running down the staircase. "Kev! Sorry I couldn't open the door for you guys, I was upstairs working on something." I smile. "No problem!" 

Leia pauses for a second. "How was the SPCA?" 

I look over at J, and she grins. "We're both adopting!" Leia's mouth falls open. "You adopted a puppy today?" She asks, looking at J and then back to me. J nods excitedly. "There was this super cute puppy, her name is Luna, and turns out she has a twin, Louie. Kev and Dani decided to adopt Louie since they've wanted a dog for a really long time, and we had to get Luna because she was so sad that Louie was getting adopted and not her." She says in one breath, smiling. Leia's eyes light up. "That's great!" She says, and I can see that she's genuinely happy for us. 

But a few seconds later, her face falls a little- for a split second, but I see it. "It would've been cool if we had all gotten triplet puppies." She says quietly, and I instantly feel bad for leaving her and Nick out. Sure, I was still hurt at the band's breakup, but I didn't mean to leave them out. 

Awkward silence fills the room, and we're still trying to be quiet so Nick doesn't wake up. Then, J suddenly lets out a gasp. "You two can get Nick!" Leia raises an eyebrow. "Nick?" 

From my side, Alena jumps up and down excitedly. "The golden retriever! His name is Nick!" Leia laughs as J shows her a picture of the puppy. "Well, I'd have to ask Nick. Maybe we will!" 

We all nod happily, following Leia up the stairs to one of the rooms. "I have to tell you guys something." She says quietly, and Dani and I take the hint. "Alena, Val, you two should go play dress up!" Dani says, and thankfully, both of them run out of the room, screaming something about making an outfit for Louie. 

When they're gone, I quietly close the bedroom door and we wait for Leia to speak. "Kev, remember I called you just now?" She asks, and I nod. "Basically, Nick and I went to the park, and he was about to tell the fans on Instagram, but he started crying-" Behind me, I hear Joe make a noise and I turn around to see him rolling his eyes. 

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