i came to find you

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hi! this book is not over yet, but when i'm done with part 2, would you guys prefer a part 3 of 'deep love' OR should i write a new book? of course, it'd be a joe jonas fanfic, but all the characters except joe, nick, kevin, dani, alena, valentina etc. would be different.

comment down below please! and don't forget to vote!

J's pov 

"I came to find you," Joe says as he takes my hand. He looks- empty, and it reminds me of how he looked a few hours ago when he arrived at Kev and Dani's place. "Why?" I question as he opens the door to the room we're sharing. 

Once he shuts the door behind him, he lets out a sigh and wraps his arms around me. "Because you're the only one I can cry in front of" He mumbles, and I pull back, surprised. He doesn't seem to notice this, he just lays down on the bed, motioning for me to lie beside him.  

"Are you okay?" I ask him as I hug him in bed. I realise how stupid the question is the moment the words leave my lips, and I can see Joe visibly struggling not to cry. "Hey, it's okay" I whisper and hug him closer to my body. 

"I know that Nick really hurt you and it's hard to talk to him, but if you work things out sooner, the better it's gonna be for you." I tell him. He doesn't reply, and I feel the all too familiar sensation of wetness on the back of my neck as he cries, and I rub his back soothingly. 

"Sorry" He whispers as he pulls back. "For what?" I ask as I gaze into his eyes, now red from crying. I notice a blush creeping onto his cheeks, and I wipe one of his stray tears away. 

"For cryi-" He cuts himself off and starts again. "For bringing you into all of this." 

My heart hurts at his initial reply, and I run a hand through his locks. "I told you, I don't care that you cry." I tell him, and he manages a smile. 

"Not what you expected, huh?" He asks. "What do you mean?" 

"You didn't expect me to turn out like this." 

I must look confused, because he continues, "You didn't expect me to start crying all the time after you got to know me." 

I almost laugh at how nervous he sounds. "Joseph Adam Jonas" I say, using his full name for the first time in a long while. 

"What?" He asks, his voice cracking a little as he tries to get his hair out of his eyes. I can only laugh and shake my head as I stare at him. "Hold on, I'm gonna be right back" I say as I stand up, despite his protests, and walk out of the room, taking my phone with me. 

A few taps later, I've ordered a box of 10 donuts- one for everyone in the house, but 2 extra because there was an offer on Grab Food for 20% off if you ordered 10. Less than 10 minutes later, there's a soft knock at the door, and I open it to see the delivery man. 

He smiles warmly when he sees me. "Dunkin Donuts at 1 am?" He asks, handing them to me. I chuckle and nod. "Long story," I say as I hand him twenty dollars. "Keep the change." I add, smiling at him. I admired the fact that he was working the night shift at such a young age, and still could give a bright smile to all his customers- he had to be 19 years old or younger. 

His face lights up as he takes the money. "Really?" He asks, and I nod, grinning at his excitement. "You deserve it!" I say as I start to close the door. He smiles back and waves. "Thank you so much!" He calls as I close the door behind me. 

I take the donuts and set them on the table, opening the box and taking out Joe's favourite- strawberry with sprinkles, laughing at his taste. I'm about to bring it to the room, when I hear a door open. Only one light is on, and it's only bright enough for me to see the kitchen table. Assuming it's Joe, I turn on another light- and I almost gasp when I see Nick there instead. 

He blinks in shock from the light being turned on- he must be surprised that I'm here too. "Hey" I say softly, waving to him sheepishly. It's only when he gets closer that I can see his tear- stained face. "Are you okay?" I ask, wrapping one arm around him.

Nick rubs his eyes forcefully. "Couldn't sleep" He mumbles, avoiding eye contact. I drop the subject and push the box towards him. "Want one? They just came." Nick nods and takes a glazed one, smiling a little.  

"I'm gonna go give this to Joe, and then I'm gonna be back" I tell Nick, grabbing the plate as he nods. I walk down the hallway to the room, where I find Joe sprawled across the bed, staring at the ceiling. He looks up and smiles when he sees me. "Where'd you go?" He asks, sitting up. 

I hand him the donut, and he smiles that smile of his, taking the donut from my hand. I sit down on the bed next to  him and sigh. He wraps one arm around me, licking the frosting from the donut. "Dunkin?" He asks after a while. "Yup, your favourite" I reply, leaning back to lie on the bed. He turns his head, looking at me curiously. 

"Nick..." I tell him, even though he didn't speak. He nods knowingly. "What's his problem this time?" Joe asks, and I can hear the anger in his voice. "Actually, I told him I was gonna go sit with him after I gave you your donut." I tell him, standing up. I press a kiss to his hair as he continues to eat his donut. "I'll fill you in later!" I say quietly as I walk out of the room. 

I find Nick finishing the last few bites of his donut when I walk in. "Hey," I greet him quietly, sitting down next to him. We don't talk for a while, and unlike Joe, I know that Nick hates physical touch- and talking about his emotions. So I keep quiet, trying my best to be patient and wait for Nick to tell me himself. 

It works- less than five minutes later, he turns to me, head resting on his hand. 

"I had a dream about Joe dying." He says, his voice barely a whisper. "And the last thing we ever did together was fight." Tears are falling from his eyes now, and as much as my instinct is to hug him and comfort him, I know that he and Joe are very different. So instead I let him bury his head in his eyes and cry. 

A couple minutes later, Nick stands up and heads to the sink to wash his face. When he comes back to the table, to my surprise, he doesn't stop to sit- he goes straight down the hallway and into the guest room I share with Joe. 

I can't stop myself from jumping out of my chair and following him. I hear the door close behind Nick, and I tiptoe right up to the door and press my ear to it. 

Too bad for me, the doors are made of solid wood, and it's impossible to hear anything. I sigh, but I'm unwilling to give up- and then I suddenly realise something. 

Dani and Kev's room is right above this guest room. That means I can hear them clearly through the air vents! 

Without skipping a beat, I'm rushing towards the stairs, stopping to throw open Nick and Leia's room to reveal a sleeping Leia. I shake my sister as hard as I can, and she wakes up a few seconds later. 

"What do you want? Where's Nick?" She asks grumpily, sitting up and yawning. 

"Nick and Joe! Follow me!" Is all I can say before rushing upstairs. 

I run past the girl's rooms, Leia rushing to keep up with me. "What do you mean?" She calls as I stop outside Kev and Dani's room. I knock gently, not wanting to wake Alena and Valentina. 

When no one answers, I gently open the door. "Dani!" I whisper from the doorway, silently begging her to wake up. As much as I want to hear Joe and Nick's conversation, I know I can't just walk right into Kevin and Dani's room. 

Much to my relief, Dani opens her eyes moments later. "Dani, I needa do something really quick." I whisper as she stands up and stumbles to the door. "Can I come in? Please?" I ask her as she yawns. "Uhh... sure." She says, still confused. 

Kevin, who's awake by now, drags himself out of bed and follows me to the left side of the room where I put my ear to the air vent. He does the same, never asking one question. 

deep love | 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें