best friends aren't supposed to fight

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J's pov 

I push the ring into Joe's hand and run. I hear Kevin calling my name, and I feel him taking my arm and pulling me to his car. 

"I'm gonna send you home" He says, and I see him glancing back at Joe. 

"B-but my car is at Nick's house..." I stammer, still in shock. "We'll take care of it" Kevin says, opening the car door where Dani and the 2 girls are waiting. Dani sees my tears and quickly moves to the backseat to comfort me while Kevin drives and the 2 girls sit in the 2nd row. 

She hates sitting in the backseat. 

I rest my head on her shoulder, tears dripping from my long lashes. 

"Mommy, why is Aunt Jessica crying?" Valentina asks. Alena is fast asleep next to her. "Well, she's really sad now" Dani says gently, "Uncle Joe and Nick had a disagreement" She explains when Valentina looks confused. "But I thought they're best friends!" Me too, Valentina, me too. 

"Friends fight sometimes, like you and Alena. Right?" Dani says softly, trying not to wake Alena. Valentina nods, still a little unsure, but turns back around anyway. I sigh and wipe my tears. "Did you hear?" I ask Dani. "Hear what?" She laughs a little. "The fight?" 

"That the band is breaking up." I respond. "The- the what?" I look up at her and smile sadly. "Nick was telling me about him wanting to call it quits when I was at his house waiting to prank Joe, and he wanted to tell Kev and Joe casually, but I guess not..." Dani sits, too shocked for words, for a long while. "But they can't break up! They're literally Disney's greatest hits!" I nod my head sadly. "That's what I told him. But he said that Joe wasn't listening to his ideas for the type of songs the band would play. And he said Kev-" I stop short when I realise that Kevin is listening in on the conversation as well. "Never mind." I say quickly, wishing that I never had said anything. 

"Kevin what?" From the front seat, Kev turns around to look at me. I take a deep breath. "He said that he thinks that you aren't taking the band seriously anymore because you care more about your family." The traffic light turns green, and Kevin is forced to turn around to drive, but I can hear him cursing under his breath as he steps on the accelerator. 

"Is it okay if I stay the night?" I say it so quietly I don't think anyone heard. Dani smiles. "Of course." I give her a watery smile. "I don't think I could stay at my apartment by myself." I notice that Kevin doesn't say a word. 

I feel myself drifting in and out of sleep, but I'm awakened by my phone ringing. Dani picks it up from the seat and hands it to me. "It's from Leia," She says as I pick up the call and turn on speaker mode.



Leia! Are you okay? 

I don't wanna be with Nick anymore 

What? I thought you were madly in love with him! 

J, listen to me. I'm scared. I made the mistake of following him home. He's throwing things around the house and I'm scared he's gonna attack me. 

Do you want me to come and get you? 

No, he's not gonna let me out of the house. I tried. 

Where are you right now?

In the guest room, hiding. He's shouting and breaking things.

I'm coming to get you. I'm in Kevin's car right now. 

Kevin's not mad at you?

I meant, I'm gonna take the bus to come and get you if he doesn't wanna send me. Stay there and don't move! 

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