a little better

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sorry for this filler chapter but i wanted to update this book since i've been gone for a month. important announcement: this book will end this book once it hits 50 chapters. (3 more chapters!)  i don't want to drag this book on too long as it already has many chapters... sorry guys, not really liking this book anymore but i will still finish it. updates on jonxwrites_ [instagram]. stay safe! 


J's pov

Everyone's eyes are on us. I give a slight nod to Leia and Danielle, and with that, the music starts. My fingers start to dance across the keys and there's a few seconds of just music before I hear one of the guys gasp. "What Am I!" Zach says loudly, but quickly lowers his volume to listen to the music.

I start to get lost in the music; in the melodies. There's something special about being connected to the music you're playing, and it's almost an out-of-body experience.

The song is finishing faster than I expected, and soon I realise I'm coming to the last verse of the song. Both Danielle's and leia's playing starts to fade, because the ending note is played by the pianist. There's total silence as I hit the last key, and as I do, the note rings out.

The note starts to fade a couple seconds later and the silence is replaced by cheering and shouting from everyone at the table. I stand up and grin as Leia and Danielle do the same; the boys look ecstatic, and Joe looks a little in awe. Nick's smiling and so is Kevin, and Zach laughs. "You guys gotta stop being so talented, you'll become more famous than us!" He says, before taking a glance at the piano scores. "Did you write these yourself?" He asks as his eyes widen when he sees the torn and tattered paper, battered and worn down after my many eraser marks and furious pencil scribbling the night before. "Yeah, I did." I say,  blushing when he stares at me in amazement. 

He turns to his bandmates. "Guys, J wrote the scores for the piano by herself!" He says, and Daniel looks like he's about to reply but Leia interrupts, "For the violin and the flute too!" She says, and chaos ensues. The next few minutes are filled with the boys- mainly Zach and Daniel- trying to convince me to write scores for their music for other instruments, while their other bandmates try to comprehend how I'd managed to do all that in less than a day. 

"Wow, you really are lucky." Zach says as he sits down, looking at Joe. Joe smiles proudly and puts an arm around me. "I am." He grins, giving me a kiss as I sit down next to him. "I couldn't have done it without Dani and Leia." I say, looking around to see Kev and Nick showering their partners with kisses and hugs. 

We end the day on a high note, thankfully. That's what music can do to people, I think as we leave the restaurant. It's time to part ways with the Why Don't We boys, and as we stand outside the restaurant, I suddenly remember that I still need to ask Joe what had happened earlier. I decide to do it when it's just the six of us, I don't want to embarrass him in front of everyone here. 

"I'll miss you guys." I say, looking around at everyone. We're all standing in a circle. "Aw, don't cry!" Daniel smiles sadly as we embrace. Everyone else does the same, exchanging hugs and goodbyes. "I feel like we've known each other for a really long time but we met yesterday. Can you believe that?" Zach asks when he gets to me. I shake my head. "We need to meet up soon!" I say, and Joe nods. "Yeah, all of us." We form a group chat and promise to stay in contact. "Remember us when you get famous!" I call over my shoulder after our last tearful goodbye. Daniel turns and waves as the limo that's bringing them home pulls up. 

When we're by ourselves, Kevin sighs. "Man. What a night, time passes by so quick." He's right; and not just today- the year has passed by in a blink of an eye. It's November already. I'm lost in thought, and I don't realise Kevin's talking to me until he waves a hand in front of my face. "J?" 

I blink and look at him, laughing. "Sorry, what were you saying?" 

"Should we all crash at this nearby hotel? It's getting late." Kevin asks, showing me his screen to show me a four star hotel nearby. I shrug. "Yeah, that's fine. I have extra clothes anyway." I say, turning to Joe. "I don't" He makes a face and I laugh. "Well, karma's a bitch. That's what you get when you laugh at me for bringing so many clothes!" I snicker, to which he rolls his eyes. "I don't have spare clothes either." Kevin says. They both turn to Nick. "Can we borrow from you?" Kevin asks. 

I know Nick hates sharing clothes, and I expect him to say as much, but to my surprise, he nods. "Okay." He replies, and Kevin smiles, grateful. "Thanks" Joe says, taking me by surprise. He shoots his brother a smile, and as Kevin books us a ride to the hotel, I can only smile at how far Nick and Joe have come. 

After a shower, Joe and I both flop down on our shared bed. "Today was good, wasn't it?" I ask. Joe nods sleepily, leaning next to me. "Can I ask you something?" I say after a moment, causing his eyes to open. "Sure. You know you can ask me anything." He says, and I giggle at his cuteness. "You're okay, right? I mean, with what happened just now backstage..." I say quietly, hoping this is enough to get him talking. I don't want to probe too much. Luckily, he nods. "I'm fine, don't worry about me, J. You worry too much as it is. Sometimes I just get a little overwhelmed with performing with Nick and Kevin. It still hurts that the band broke up, and we aren't even a band anymore, yet here we are, performing together. I'm still hurt though it's been a couple months, but I know it'll get better." 

I press a kiss to his cheek. "I am so proud of you. You're right, it will get better." I tell him, and he smiles a little. "You're so cheesy" He says, despite being the one who just gave a whole little speech on how he felt. "But you love me." I tease, and he grins. "I do." 

I drift off to sleep feeling better than I have in a while. Finally, Nick and Joe's relationship is getting a little better. One step at a time. 

deep love | 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora