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hi sorry for so many pov changes in this chapt :'( 

anyway enjoy & rmr to watch joe and soph on quibi and of course watch happiness continues!! 

Nick's pov 

I wake up and rub my eyes sleepily, not wanting to leave the comfort of my bed. I'm about to go back to sleep, when I suddenly remember- It's April Fools, aka- mission Time to prank Joe. 

I grab my phone from the bedside table and text J- "TTPJ!"


What's TTPJ... 

Time to prank Joe

omg you're really a kid on april fool's nick



J's pov 

I put down my phone after texting Nick and sigh. Part of me wants to prank Joe, but I don't want to take it to the extreme. Oh well, Joe won't be that mad. But then I remember his expression after he saw me cliff jumping with Kevin and Nick, and it sends shivers down my spine. My breathing starts to become shallow, but another text from Nick telling me to wake Joe up brings me back to reality. I can't disappoint Nick. 

I gently shake Joe and when he opens his eyes, I say softly, "I'm gonna go out and buy us breakfast, okay?" He struggles to keep his eyes open as he nods and smiles, before drifting back off to sleep. I feel a pang of guilt lying to him, but I brush it aside and grab my bag before walking out the door. 

20 minutes later, I arrive at Nick's house. 

"Hey J, you ready?" He asks me, opening the door for me to reveal his neat assortment of shoes- probably the most compared to his brothers. There's an electric guitar on his sofa, and I smile when I realise it's the one that I gave him for Christmas last year. "I'm ready to stay at your house and eat all your food", I joke, sitting down on his sofa and casually strumming his guitar. 

Nick smiles and sits down next to me, closing the door behind him. "Actually, I also wanted to talk to you about something." Nick says, his gaze dropping to the ground. I immediately put the guitar to the side and look at him. "What's up?" 

His shoulders slump and it takes me a minute to realise that he's crying. "Nick..." I put an arm around him and feel him shaking. I don't say anything, I know that unlike Joe, Nick isn't one to talk or show his emotions easily. 

I'm about to ask him what's wrong, when he suddenly looks up and shouts, "GOTCHA! HAPPY APRIL FOOL'S!" I gape at him for a moment and roll my eyes. "Seriously?" I sigh and look at him. "Nick Jonas you are 27 years old!" I scold, to which he replies, "Exactly, that's the prime time to play pranks, don't you know?" He rolls his eyes and I laugh, reaching for my phone to check the time. 

 I freeze. There's 3 texts from Joe asking where I am. It's been an hour since I left home. I show the texts to Nick. "Tell him you went to Ihop to get him pancakes!" Nick says, picking up his guitar and humming a tune. 

Nick notices my reluctant expression and laughs a little. "C'mon, you're fine; he can take a joke." I force a smile and nod, sending the message. 

Nick sighs and looks at me. "I actually wanna talk to you about something, though" I put my phone down and look at him. "Really?" I ask, trying to see if I could tell if he was being serious by looking at his eyes. Nick nods. "Yeah, really." He says quietly.

He pauses for a moment before continuing, "Things haven't been the same with Joe and Kevin anymore, Joe especially." 

"What do you mean?" 

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