He Thinks You're Lying

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Shouto's POV

"How am I lying?" Handy Manny asked. "How could I possibly be lying?"

"You-" Sero started. "You are."

"It's like," Handy Manny said. "Me showing you live footage of something happening and you're claiming it didn't happen."

"But he isn't betraying us," Sero said. "He's just letting the public know about his life."

"Well, we're involved in the public," Handy Manny said. "So technically he's just telling us what's happening."

"Plus, he's not really betraying you," Dabi said.

"There's an even more extreme betrayer," Toga said. "Who's been sneaking out-"

"Why are you telling them this?" Dabi interrupted.

"What're they gonna do?" Handy Manny said. "Call someone? Tell the heroes?"

"Fair enough," Dabi shrugged.

"We have one of your friends," Toga said. "Now a pro hero! And they've been betraying you i the biggest way possible."

"By sneaking out information about the students," Dabi interrupted.

"But I was gonna tell the kids about them!" Toga yelled.

"I don't get where you're going," I said.

"Bro," Dabi said. "I'm saying that you gotta watch your friends. They aren't who you think they are."

"Here we are again," I said. "You calling me to ur brother and me asking why."

"I call everyone bro," Dabi explained.

"No you don't," Toga said.

"You call everyone dude," Handy Manny said.

"My point is," Dabi said. "You can't trust everyone."

"Just as we can't trust you," Handy Manny said. "Because it's been a year, and we still don't know your identity."

"I'll tell you soon enough," Dabi murmured.

"Thankfully," Handh Manny started. "Toga is a very talented kid. She's transformed into somebody else and she's run a DNA test on your hair - meaning we know your identity."

"You wouldn't," Dabi said.

"Oh, but we did," Handy Manny interrupted. "You were just saying that you can't always trust people. And here we are, being untrustworthy to you."

"Tomura!" Toga called. "Can I say his identity! Can I? Can I?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"He means that he knows who the villain is," Sero explained.

"And you are-"

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