Feel the Wrath of Angry Broccoli

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Ibara's POV

"I was at church one Sunday, then I needed to go to the bathroom. I got up and had to go past several people, tripping over them and landing straight in the aisle, yelling 'Jesus!'. The pastor looked ya me and said 'what would you like to ask our saviour?'. I was very embarrassed and immediately ran off without another word."

"I also got nothing," Fukidashi said.

"When I found out I had been watering a fake plant for four months," Yamamoto said. "Not even a plant I'd just seem around the house. My jokester twin sister bought me the plant and after four months she'd actually forgotten it was fake."

"Another sister story," Honenuki said. "My sister asked if she Izuku do my makeup, which, why not? She did my eyeliner, eyeshadow, cheek powder, then she asked what colour lipstick I wanted? None, duh. I don't have lips. Next morning I wake up with a red face and a note, 'I WANTED TO DO LIPSTICK'."

"In the last year of middle school," Camie said, "at my graduation, I tripped over and flashed almost everyone there. Shouto?"

"When I was five," Todoroki said, "I liked this guy, and I couldn't deal with all the butterflies when I saw him, so I wrote him a letter saying 'please leave my school'."

"THAT WAS YOU?" Midoriya shouted, looking around the fire.

"Yes-" Todoroki said, shocked.

"Well," Midoriya said. "I guess it would be my turn now. I was also five in my story. I came home late because I didn't feel like running home that day. I got grounded for a month because I scared my mum."

"You deserved it," Bakugou said. "I mean, getting her hopes up like that and then letting her down."

Then Midoriya stood up, pure hatred on his face, "CAN YOU STOP?!"

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