We All Learnt a Lesson

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Itsuka's POV

"I was getting changed," I said, "for the beauty pageant. And Tetsutetsu walked in without knocking. Let's say he learnt to knock on a girls door before entering."

"You don't have to repeat that, Kendou," Tetsutetsu said. "That's also my story, I second that."

"I can separate my body parts up," Setsuna said, "so one time at 2am, my left hand and eye were in the kitchen looking for food, and my right hand and eye were reading Drarry fanfic in my room."

"I was seven and doing back to school shopping," Yaoyorozu said, "and found these really nice shoes. I tried them on, walked around for a bit, then I got tapped on the shoulder by another little girl, asking for her shoes back."

"That's nothing, mon ami!" Aoyama said. "I used to earn money by cleaning the house and I spent all of that money on several dozen tubs of glitter. I earned my money back by cleaning the house."

"Another house related story," Kinoko said. "I love cooking and I couldn't find any mushrooms at the shops. So I used my quirk. My mum got sick because of the type of mushrooms and my sister asked why I was taking the fairies' houses away from them."

"I was also there," Yui said, laughing, "I was embarrassed because I used my quirk to make the mushrooms bigger which caused your sisters comment."

"I was walking through a crowd of people and my tail was hitting people as I walked," Ojirou said. "So I started running to get to school quickly, then I ran straight into Hagakure."

"Already said I got nothing," Hagakure said.

"I also have nothing," Mei said.

"I saw this loud blond kid," Yosetsu said, "thought he was Monoma, and hit him with a stick. When he lay on the floor, I realised it was not Monoma and ran."

"THAT WAS YOU!" Kaminari shouted.

"THAT'S A BIT MEAN," Neito chimed in. "Anyways, when I was 3 or 4, I saw a picture of a baby on my parents dresser. Thinking it was another baby, I threw it on the floor. The baby was me."

"Okay," Ibara said. "Now listen to mine..."

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