For Once, I Relate

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Momo's POV

"Wait," Ichiki said, turning back around. "Wait, wait. I need to eat. My quirk requires eating."

"So does mine," I said. "We should head to Todoroki's. Believe it or not, he's good at cooking."

"How do you know that?" Sero asked.

"Last years camp," I said, walking out of the tent with Ichiki. "Plus, he's in the same tent as Bakugou, no doubt they'll serve great food."

"Okay," Sero said. "Todoroki's tent is literally right there," he said, pointing to the tent they were walking past.

"What's up?" I asked as I unzipped the tent, seeing a blur of colours before-

"SHUT THE TENT!" Bakugou yelled hurriedly.

"Sorry!" I apologised as I, also hurriedly, zipped the tent shut.

Katsuki's POV

"Crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap," I mumbled.

"Okay," Shouto said. "Everyone turn around."

"No," Kishou said. "You can't turn around. You can still see. I'm taking away your eyesight. Kat, just say when you're finished."

"Okay, I'm not ever gonna be able to get used to how powerful your quirk is," Deku said.

"Finished," I said, then called, "Y'ALL CAN COME IN NOW."

Momo's POV

I unzipped the tent again, seeing the food on Todoroki.

"Why are you eating that?" I asked.

"Why are you here?" Todoroki retaliated.

"I'm hungry," I said, crossing my arms. "You and Bakugou are good at cooking."

"Here's some bacon," Todoroki said, pulling the bacon off of his shoulder. "Kat, get the egg off of my back."

"Stuff you," Bakugou said, picking up the egg. "I'm eating it."

"Then get the other egg," Todoroki said. "Yamamoto, here's an egg," Todoroki signalled for someone to pass Ichiki an egg. "Sero, you're special, give him both. Izu, mushrooms on my nape, I can't grab it. Just help yourself really."

"I'm all good eating meat off of meat," Ichiki said, which caused all of the boys to give her the "nani" look. "But you are aware that there is food outside?"

"Shut up extra, nobody asked you," Bakugou snapped.

"Wow friend, no need to be so rude," Ichiki said.

"You're not my friend," Bakugou replied.

"Can I ask what happened last night?" Ichiki turned to Midoriya.

"No," Bakugou said hurriedly.

"Also," Ichiki said, "Izuku, that was rude of you. I shouldn't be saying this but if someone has a secret they don't want others to know, it isn't fair to tell everyone about it. Okay?"

"Nah, I get it," Midoriya said, "I just snapped. I guess I wanted to make him pay for my pain by giving him pain in return."

"I'm siding with Yamamoto," Todoroki said. "That was a dick move."

"1, yes it was," Ichiki said. "2, my name is Ichiki, can you please call me that?"

"I could've just blocked everyone's hearing," Dorobou added, "except Izuku's and Kat's then Izuku could yell as much as he wanted and no one would hear - but I wanted to hear. And now I know. Which shows that you could hurt somebody to get to know the information you want, or you can wait for them to be ready to tell you them self and they won't be hurt."

"Okay I feel offended," Sero said, "because you've known me a lot longer than Dorobou."

"I trusted him more," Bakugou said.

"Yep, understandable," Sero said. "How about we start something?"

"What?" I asked.

"A squad," Sero said smiling.

"What squad?" Midoriya asked.

"Bi-squad. Who's joining?" Sero asked.

"Me," Dorobou said.


"The fact that he's the only one joining is sad," Sero said. "Todoroki?"

"Pan," Todoroki said.

"And you're sitting here cooking on yourself," Sero joked, "Midoriya?"

"Omni," Midoriya said.

"Me too," Ichiki said.

"Bakugou?" Sero turned, trying to get to socialise with some more bi guys.

"Girls," Bakugou simply said.

"Not even Yaomomo?" Sero said, turning to me.

"Oh God why not?" I whispered. "I'm lesbian."

"That was a small shock," Sero said. "That was also probably the reason why Todoroki seemed pissed last night," Sero turned to Todoroki. "YOU GOT REJECTED HAHAHA."

"Well at least I tried confessing," Todoroki retaliated as Sero looked down at the floor sadly, then said,

"Now someone tell me what omni means."

"Omni is the same as pan but it sways more to a gender," Ichiki said. "Pan is liking believe all genders but doesn't care about gender. Omni is liking all genders but sways more towards one. For example, I like girls more."

"As with I," Midoriya added.

"Right," Sero said. "I'm wanting to end this conversation but I'm not sure of the correct way to do so."

"Who agrees that we go to quirk training now?" Dorobou suggested.

"Can't," Bakugou said. "Gotta stay back."

"Who's voting to stay back with Kat?" Dorobou looked around.

"Nah, it's fine," Bakugou said, lifting up his phone. "I wanna finish this."

"Fanfiction," Ichiki said.

"Actually, yes," Bakugou smiled. (A/N: imagine this. It's demonic)

"Okay, why?" Sero said, slightly confused, mostly scared.

"I was bored so I went onto the interne- dumbass!" Bakugou said. "I'm reading Percy Jackson."

"Isn't that the book Ochako-san was talking about last night?" Midoriya asked.

"I'm gonna try to be a better person," Bakugou said. "Socialise with people I usually don't. Be nicer. Ya know?"

"Nice," Midoriya said, his turn to be slightly confused and mostly scared. "Send me the link - I need something to talk to a Ochako-san about."

"I don't know whether I should or not," Bakugou said. "You and Roundface. - you're both huge dorks. I like it. Gimme a sec."

"Rejected again," Todoroki spoke again, still cooking the food.

"Wh-" Midoriya started. "𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩?"

"I'm joking," Todoroki laughed.

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