mechta [ twenty seven ]

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The weekend before the deciding match for who plays for Tokyo in the Nationals, Nekoma decided to have a practice in the afternoon. Not that it bothered them. Instead, the members of the volleyball club felt even more motivated for the upcoming match.

It wasn't only the Nationals they were looking forward to, after all. The boys couldn't wait to play against Karasuno, their destined rivals.

"You have to go to the boys' practice in the afternoon? Aren't Tetsurou and Kenma a part of that club?" Minari's mother asked, clicking away on her iPad as if searching for something.

"Yes, I told you that I'm their manager. I want to make sure that the boys are working hard, too," the girl said, smiling as she recalled how the team was really looking forward to it.

"Well, just make sure you don't bring them down," her mother replied, shrugging as she smiled softly. "Although that's highly unlikely."

Before Minari could answer her mother, both of them were surprised when someone rang the doorbell. None of them were expecting visitors. With brows furrowing, the older Nase looked at her daughter to signal her to answer the door.

However, the girl was surprised when she was met with a nervous looking teenage boy who had a mop of grey hair on top of his head.

What was he doing here? Why did he suddenly show up in front of her house? If he wanted to go to the practice with her, isn't it scheduled in the afternoon?

It took Lev all his courage to even show up in front of her home. He wasn't sure if what they talked about and the way they went home together that one night was a sign that they'd be back together soon, but he hoped so. Seeing that it was their manager that answered, Lev sighed in relief before speaking.

"Good morning, Mi," Lev greeted, wiping away his sweat from being nervous. "Let's go to the practice together."

Minari blinked. Was it just like how she expected it to happen? Practice? What was he talking about? It was morning.

The skyscraper of a first year stared back at the manager, confused as to why she hasn't responded yet. Did she not want to go together? Was he being too ahead of himself, thinking that she might want to hang out with him after they made it clear with each other that they were fine? Was he bothering her?

"You do realize that practice is in the afternoon, right?" Minari asked, a giggle softly escaping her lips at the horrified expression of the teenage boy.

"H-Huh?! It is?!" Lev exclaimed, flailing his arms around as if it was very shocking that he got the time wrong.

Hearing her giggle at his mistake somehow made him feel embarrassed, but he was just relieved that she wasn't as cold to him as before. He guessed that something must have happened, or that she made up her mind about their situation. Either way, he was left standing in front of her without knowing how to mask his mistake and embarrassment from getting the time wrong.

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