mechta [ twenty two ]

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After a tiring day full of training and practice matches, the teams were in the cafeteria eating their dinner. Although enemies on the court, the members of each team happily conversed with the other players from different schools as they've been friends and rivals at the same time.

However, Lev who was already finished with his meal stepped towards the table where the managers were eating. Minari was sitting with the other managers, not quite smiling like the other girls did. It didn't leave his sight so he wanted to make sure that she was having fun.

Once he reached the table, all eyes of the girls instantly trained on him which made him feel embarrassed for some reason. His girlfriend, however, felt nervous about talking to him.

She had to do something she didn't even want to do, and she didn't know how to do it as well. If it was her choice, she wouldn't do it, but now that she thought about it, Lev had big dreams that she didn't want to hinder soon. It was her or his dreams, and she didn't want to be the cause of Lev losing his path to his dream.

"Uhm, can I borrow Mi for a bit?" Lev asked, earning a series of nods from the girls.

Minari stood up, following Lev out of the cafeteria nervously. This didn't leave Kuroo and Kenma's sight, but they respected their privacy even after thinking that maybe there was something wrong going on.

The sky was dark but it was littered with stars that shone down on the two. If one would look at them, it seemed like a scene from a movie. Two lovers walking together while the stars gazed down on them. But the only thing that separated their situation from a movie-like scene is that she had to break up with him or something worse than breaking up will happen.

As the two walked together, Lev instantly held the girl's hand shyly. A smile plastered itself across his lips, just as her heart felt like it was clenching. She wanted to feel it for longer, his hand on hers. His gentle touch as if he was afraid to break her. The way he gave her a shy smile and basically treated her like a princess. She didn't want to lose everything that they did, all those little gestures that she treasured so much.

"Hey, Mi?" Lev started, sitting down on the grassy patch and then patting the spot next to him.

The girl sat down next to him, looking up at the stars. As she admired the beauty of the stars, he was there admiring her beauty with a smile on his face.

I can't believe she's mine.

"Yes?" Minari asked, not looking at the boy next to her to avoid tears.

She wanted to call herself a crybaby, but she couldn't cry right now. She shouldn't.

"I was just wondering why you were down earlier? Is there something wrong? After you talked with coach, you seemed to be out of it. Is there something I could do to help you?" Lev asked, his eyes not leaving her form.

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