mechta [ twenty one ]

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Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.


"Break up with Haiba,"

"Break up with Haiba,"

"Break up with Haiba,"

The coach's words stuck to her like glue. She didn't know how to respond to what he said, so Minari decided to excuse herself and run away from the gym. It wasn't like she was ruining the team by having a relationship with Lev, right? Why did the coach tell her to break up with the person she liked, just because he was on the team? What really was his reason?

Nase Minari found herself sitting down on the hill where the players sprinted up and down. She clenched her fists, trying to hold her tears. She already lost the chance to play again, but why does she have to lose the person who told her that she could get right back up? Lev helped her get back up when she was so down, so why did fate decide to let this happen?

"Why should I? Do I ruin the team?" Minari asked herself, laying down on her back as she stared at the sky.

If only Kuroo and Kenma were beside her right now, they would have told her what was the right thing to do. Those two were always by her side to guide her with her decisions, acting like the older brothers she never had. But then again, how was she supposed to talk to them about it when the coach asked her to keep it a secret that it was him who asked her to break up with the future ace?

"Break up with Haiba," Coach Nekomata said, his face as serious as ever.

Hearing those words, Minari could only blink. What did he say? Break up with who? What? Why? Is there something wrong with their relationship? Does it affect his performance in some bad way?

"What, coach? I didn't-"

"You heard just as I said. I want you to break up with Haiba because he's on the team and you are the manager. It doesn't look good for the team and he's too much of a newbie to be lazing around with relationships. He's gonna be Nekoma's future ace before you know it," the coach explained, his eyes never leaving the girl's.

"But coach-"

"Break up with Haiba. He needs to focus on his journey in volleyball. But don't tell him or the team that it was my decision. I just want what's best for the team if the goal is to win Nationals," Coach Nekomata said, sighing and gazing at the Nekoma team who were either laughing with each other or stretching as they talked about game strategies. "I don't accept no as an answer. It's either you break up with him until tonight or I will have to kick you from the club and forbid you two to ever see each other again."

She wasn't able to do anything. No matter how much she tried to argue with the coach about their feelings and how Lev's emotions really work with his performance, Coach Nekomata just won't listen. He really was serious about it and Minari couldn't disagree or they had to avoid each other. She felt like so pathetic about not being able to do anything when she knew that Lev will probably do any possible thing for her.

"What should I do?" Minari groaned, pulling on the roots of her hair.

Realizing how she actually had her phone inside her pocket, she fished out her phone and searched for a certain contact in her phone. Dana's. Maybe the girl can help her with her current situation.

Minari clicked on the call button, hearing a few rings before the call was connected. Her eyes trained on the fluffy clouds in the sky, teary eyes trying not to spill the tears. She didn't want to cry.

"Hello? Minari?" Dana called, confused as to why the girl was calling her while they had a training camp.

"Dana-chan. Promise to keep this as a secret?" Minari asked, hearing a hum from the other line before she spoke again. "Coach wanted me to break up with Lev so he could focus with his volleyball. I mean, it's not like he's slacking off because of me. I even help him with his receives sometimes, too. Coach was praising me at first for being an effective manager because I could cheer the boys up and provide effective solutions and strategies for the team but I was surprised when he suddenly told me that I had to break up with Lev."

"He said what, now?" Dana asked, raising her brows as she sat down on the floor while wiping her sweat.

"He said he wants me to break up with Lev but I can't tell him or the team that it was the coach's decision. I don't even want to break up with Lev, yet I'm being forced to. What should I do, Dana?" the first year manager groaned, clenching her fist as a pout placed itself on her lips.

"There's nothing you can do, right? But since it's for Lev as well, I think you should do it. If the two of you really are meant for each other, then that just means that sooner, you two will find your way back together. You don't have to worry about a thing, because if it's meant to be, it will be."

As Dana's words sunk in her mind and pierced through her heart, Minari tried to convince herself that there will be a way. But as many times as she could think about solutions, everything just runs down to one thing. Breaking up or ruining Lev's path to his dreams. No, their dreams.

Minari ended the call without saying anything, trying to calm herself down. Dana had a point, and as she calmed down, she was starting to see what the coach wanted to let her see. Maybe she let her emotions get the best of her that she ended up crying, but she needed to release it.

There was no way that she'd want to break up with Lev, but after thinking about what might happen in the future if he got too attached to her and depended too much on her... it was bound to break his dreams of being the best of aces.

"I like him too much to let go, but... I only have until tonight to make a decision," the girl whispered, a single tear running down her eye.

The managers were with each other, preparing for the meals of the players for the night. Minari still had blurry thoughts about what she can do about Lev and Coach Nekomata's request. It wasn't even a request, it was an order.

"Is something bothering you Nase?" Yukie, one of the Fukurodani managers, asked. Minari was surprised at the sudden question, but she gave the older girl a smile.

"I'm alright, Shirofuku-san," said Minari, smiling up at the girl while trying to help the other managers as much as she could.

I wished I never had to go through things like this.

MECHTA ❨ haiba lev ❩ Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ