Chapter 15 - The Camera

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Welp hello again🥰 My mom is sitting next to me and is asking whether or not I dedicate this story to her... so sure this chapter is for her

QUESTION: Jungkook top or Jimin top? I need to know for... research purposes

Jungkook has gotten to the point where he can leave everyone at home alone with Jimin, which comes in handy when everyone else is too lazy to get off of their bootaes and go to the grocery store...

Jungkook walks to the door while shouting, "IM GOING TO GET FOOD FOR YOU LAZY ASSES U CAN THANK ME LATER." Well u may be like, 'isn't jin the mom of the group?' You aren't wrong, it's just that Jin and RM have been cuddling on the couch all day long like the couple they are.

And with that, Jungkook is off, having no worries in the world because he knows he can trust his members... right?

'They won't do anything that could mess up my plan right?' Jungkook wonders worriedly while driving.

'No, they wouldn't. Have some faith in your members JK,' he reassures himself.

'But... what if...'


His biggest mistake of the day, however, was in fact trusting his members at all.

Back at the apartment/dorm, the other members are just going on with their everyday tasks. V and J-hope are out on a mission to conquer the lovely teddy bear in the claw machine... just kidding they are out killing some bad guys. On the other hand, Jin and Namjoon are being all cuddly on their bed, an action that no one wants to disturb unless they want poison in their dinner that night.

However, little to Jungkook's knowledge, Yoongi is the only member left alone.  No one is bothering him while he is watching TV, allowing himself to get lost in his thoughts. Not just any ordinary thoughts, but thoughts about Jimin, the man that is being tortured so terribly and punished for doing nothing (what yoongi currently believes).

While thinking about the pain of Jimin that makes Yoongi feel like he is being stabbed, he realizes that he is practically alone in the house, just Jimin and him.

So Yoongi being the genius that he is devises a plan to get Jimin out, but first he needs to be certain of something.

Yoongi subtly looks around the room, eventually spotting what he is looking for... a camera.

Yoongi knows and has known for a while that Jungkook has cameras in the house, but he only uses them when he feels uncertain about something/someone. One time that Jungkook used these cameras was when he was figuring out whether or not RM and Jin were dating, and not to his surprise, they were. Stalking people can sometimes come in handy, one never knows.
____(Flashback to date day)
At breakfast this day, something was clearly off between RM and Jin, they came down together, sat next to each other, and are now giving each other weird ass glances while their faces are colored in red.

'Something feels off between Namjoon and Jin,' Jungkook wonders.

It's not just Jungkook who feels it, though, everyone does. All of the members are just left gaping at them, no too sure what to think of the interaction. It is true that they could just be getting closer as friends, but Jungkook right away is certain that there is something more to it. So right away Jungkook goes to work. He uses his computer to find stores that sell tiny cameras, perfect for hiding in an open room. Finding them relatively quickly, Jungkook then goes to pick them up at the store, comes back, and sets them up all while everyone else is in their own room.

No one knows about these cameras, so while Jungkook is in his room staring at his computer connected to the cameras, the other members are just enjoying their day.

Later that night, RM and Jin leave, letting Jungkook know that his plan is about to be put in action. Jungkook is just sitting there... for a long time... like a good solid five hours, until he hears the door open again. He made sure no one else is in the living and dimmed the lights. Then... Jungkook catches something that he shouldn't have, them kissing.

Right away Jungkook covers his eyes, while turning off the camera. He knows all that he needs to know at that time, which Jungkook later uses to his advantage, but of course when RM and Jin feel comfortable about the publicity of their relationship

Although this may be a cute little story, none of the members realize that this is the beginning of the camera that can be used again them.

Back to reality, Yoongi is certain that Jungkook is going to use these cameras today, because although he may trust his members, it is the first time leaving them alone with Jimin. Jungkook can't risk losing Jimin for some reason, and Yoongi knows that for sure. While wondering about all of the possibilities to set Jimin free again, Yoongi then figures out exactly how he is going save Jimin.

Although this plan is set-in-stone, Yoongi knows that he can't just make a move today due to the camera. So, he figures out that he needs to gain jungkooks full trust first. After being home alone with Jimin for some time, Yoongi will then make his move, destroying the trust bond that has built up between Jungkook and Yoongi.

He does realize that he only has one shot, and that he may lose a friend in the process, but anything is worth it for Jimin and the thought of a future with Jimin. Just imagining living in a house alone with Jimin makes Yoongi want to barge downstairs and grab Jimin to leave, but he knows if he does that, there won't be a chance of them succeeding.
Wowwwww 28 thousand reads, are y'all insane?! I am just so thankful for all of the support I have been receiving on this book, even though it's kind of a mess and poorly written.

But anyways, how have you guys been?

Do you know if you will be going back to school yet?

Right now for me I will be going to school two days a week and then the other three will be online school... fun right?

I hope you all are still safe, healthy, and living the best life you could possibly be living in a time like this! I purple you💜

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