Chapter 8: The Room

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Okay can I say y'all are crazy, like 4K reads, uhmmmmm, I'm pretty sure this story is trash but okay😂. I'm sorry that I have not become more consistent with my chapters, but I have an internship and am still in high school so that means summer homework. No joke, there is a lot of stress because I also have my Pom competitions soon and tennis tryouts start in August. Please send me some 💗
Let's get into this story that I once again had to reread all the chapters before I wrote this😅
Right after Jungkook left Jimin all alone again, still tied up, Jimin called for a meeting with himself. 'No matter what they put me through,' Jimin thought, 'I will not give them the satisfaction of winning for I have a mafia to lead.'

Although Jimin was kidnapped, he did realize that this could be seen as a chance to train. With him being the heir to his grandfather's business, he was ought to be taken multiple times and needs to know how to handle each situation. However, this is probably one of the worst situations, with his life being on the line. Jimin did not let these thoughts phase him for he had no fear left within himself. His grandfather sure did prepare him for everything, no matter how torturous the training was.

Suddenly, a man walked in in blonde hair and a suitcase, interrupting Jimin's thoughts, from what Jimin remembers in high school, this man was the notorious Yoongi, aka the Golden Blade, for he always carried with him a set of pure gold knives ready to kill someone with them. As Yoongi walked closer to Jimin, he was expecting to see him scared and begging for Yoongi to not cause him pain. Despite this, Jimin still had no emotion.

No emotion was shown when Yoongi tied his arms tighter than before.

No emotion when Yoongi got his knives out of his briefcase.

And no emotion while Yoongi engraved the words Bangtan into his skin.

In the same way, Jimin felt nothing, this pain being only one tenth of the pain his grandfather put him through.

This lack of emotion made Yoongi confused, because everyone else he had ever walked up to would scream to spare their lives, but of course Yoongi being Yoongi, he didn't. Jimin's reaction greatly contradicted those in high school, when Jimin would cry like a little baby needing to be held in someone's safe arms. Yoongi internally smiled at the memory because he had a slight crush on the younger in high school. A small cough brought Yoongi out of his memories, leading him to stare at the pretty boy who sat in front of him, still showing no pain while blood is running down his back.

Yoongi was now more conflicted than ever, was this the same boy who would cry and the smallest slap on the back, or had he changed throughout the years.

Jimin could see the suspicion in Yoongi's eyes, causing Jimin to slightly panick. If any of the members found out that he was the heir to one of the largest mafia groups, then they would kill him within a second. Jimin then made a decision, he would need to act like his high school self in order to take advantage of BTS. Jungkook may have already seen the tough side of Jimin, so he needs to make it seem as if he cracked and could not take the pain anymore. Jimin needed to do this in order to survive, to take revenge on the people who killed his parents, to make his grandfather proud.
As Yoongi started to clean up Jimin's sounds cautiously, a single tear fell down Jimin's eyes, causing Yoongi's head to whip up faster than he had ever done before. The sight in front of him slightly broke his heart, seeing the resemblance of high school Jimin in his eyes. Yoongi very badly wanted to hug Jimin and tell him that he is safe, but he could not do either of the two. Jungkook would have his head if he found out that Yoongi comforted their prisoner, and Yoongi could not tell Jimin he was safe, because he knew it was a lie. No one is safe being a prisoner under Bangtan, and there is no way for Yoongi to change that. Seeing as more tears were appearing on Jimin's face, Yoongi hurriedly packed up his knives and left the room, for he could not see the younger crying any longer.
After Yoongi left, Jimin immediately stopped crying, internally puking at the fact that he had to become his weak old self again. Jimin just kept on thinking that he only needed to do this and keep his act up until he could trick the other members and take advantage of them, leading to their humiliation. However, Jimin's mind was drawn to the fact that he had something carved into his back that he did not know of. Anger was slowly rising within himself, but he could not do anything about it now. He would just have to wait until his plan was completed, and the end of Bangtan occurred,

Once again, the door could be heard opening and footsteps made a creaking noise as they came closer and closer to where Jimin was tied up. Jimin could not immediately look up for he had to be able to show some form of fear.

'Ready,' Jimin thought, 'Action.'
Dun dun duuuuuuuunnnnn, what's going to happen next, I guess you jus have to wait and find out. Please like and comment on this chapter and I hope you have a beautiful day😊

Also, shoutout to serendipity-boy
They keep on commenting on my chapters and giving me support as I attempt at writing this story, thank yooouuuu💜💜💜

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