Chapter 10: Haunted Memories

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A number of days have passed, the exact number not definite to Jimin. At first, he was staying strong with his act. He was not afraid of Bangtan or anything that they did to him, but he acted as if he was. However, as the days went on, it was unclear whether or not his act was really an act after all, or if his old self was once again coming out...


One day, Yoongi came back down with his knives again, ready to sadly ruin Jimin's once pure skin. While Jimin was about to bear the pain he could no longer feel, he had a flashback to his younger self.


(A good number of years ago)

Jimin's grandfather said that all of this was for the best of him...

The pain...

The torture...

The emotional distress...

But he could not handle it in the moment.

The man who should have taken care of Jimin after all of the suffering he had gone through was only the cause of more pain. The scars that have formed on Jimin's body while he was with his grandfather show a part of his past that will never be forgotten. The constant slaps, punches, and kicks pained Jimin's once weak body enough. However, nothing could ever compare to the many knive wounds that Jimin suffered. This was the only punishment his grandfather would directly give him, and he would not stop until Jimin became numb to the pain, to the point where no tears came out of his eyes, to the point where all of the screams, cries, and pleas for help ceased, to the point where Jimin was not human anymore. (Big sad face)
____(End of flashback in a wacky alien voice because why not)____

While Yoongi was getting his equipment ready, he saw something he failed to notice before, all of the scars that covered Jimin's body. This filled Yoongi with great concern; when did Jimin receive all of this torture, and who would do so. Yoongi now realized that there is a lot that Jimin had been hiding. Although seeing these marks greatly pained Yoongi, along with the fact that he will have to create more, he felt the need to gain some distance from Jimin. One thing that Yoongi knew for sure was that Jimin was not normal anymore and did not have a simple past (I dunno why I made Yoongi realize this now because Jimin frickin held a gun up to Jungkook in front of him but oh well nothing I can do now)

As Yoongi started to carve into Jimin's skin, Jimin gave off a reaction that was different from the past. He started screaming and shrieking. His body was shaking and tears would not stop flowing out of his eyes. Jimin was terrified.

The reaction shocked Yoongi, causing him to stop right away, while Jimin was kicking around and mumbling, "stop please, no more, I promise to not cause any more disturbance," with his eyes closed. Yoongi was so confused and beyond disturbed, so he quickly packed up his knives and left the room, leaving a crying and terrified Jimin all by himself.

Yoongi walked into the living room, where all of the members were sitting, with an expression of exigency on his face. "Jungkook, we need to talk," he told the leader.

Jungkook looked up in a confusing manner, "What, did everything not go as planned?!"

"Yes, wait no, ugh I don't know," Yoongi replied, "When I started torturing Jimin he started screaming and mumbling pleas of forgiveness all while shaking. I do not know what happened, but today I also noticed that his body is covered in multiple scars. We are not the first to get to Jimin, and at this rate I can hesitantly say that we will not be the last. I am beyond confused, though, because the first time Jimin hardly gave a reaction to the knives. It seems as if the circumstance he is in has reawakened the bad parts of his past."

After pausing for a moment, Jungkook responded, "Jin, go get me a file filled with all of Jimin's whereabouts ever since he has left the hospital."

Jungkook then left, making his way towards the basement door. He slowly made his way down the stairs. Noise subtly started invading his ears, loud screams to be more exact. When Jungkook reached the bottom of the stairs, he just stood there and looked at Jimin, watching the man yank his tied up body around that was already drenched in sweat. Jungkook didn't know what to do, for he still did not fully trust Jimin, so he just stayed in his spot, as if glued onto the ground, all while a smirk was rising on his face.

"I see you are hiding some things from me that have been causing you pain, but don't you worry, I will find out the truth soon. I will reawaken you haunted memories to put you in as much pain as possible."


Sooooo, are we going to talk about how bad of an author I am, because I really truly am sorry. I'm not even going to say that I will update again soon because I don't even know when I will. I will TRY to update soon, but I can't make any promises anymore. Life is just hectic and even though I am still on winter break, I find a way to be stressed out.                      W h a t e v e r though, I just finished driver's ed, so now I get the rest of break to myself and my iPad, wooot wooooooot. But back to the story, I have no clue where this story is going, but 11 t h o u s a n d reads, are y'all cray cray because I'm pretty sure you are. Like this story is my trashy mind at one in the morning, but I mean if you like it by all means don't stop😂💜🙏🏻
—Avery <3

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