Chapter 11 - The Truth

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Jimin is quick to recover after his fit with Yoongi and realizes that he almost lost himself in his acting. That was a close call, if I had let my fear consume like my grandfather had constantly warned me about then I could have ruined my whole plan by never coming out of my acting.

While Jimin is thinking about all of this, he is still making himself look deathly afraid because he knows there are cameras hidden all throughout the room he is in.
The next day, Jungkook is sitting at his desk when Yoongi comes in with a knock on the door.
"Here is the file of Jimin that you asked for Jungkook." Jungkook quickly walks over to Yoongi and snatches the file out of his hand, opening it in a heartbeat. His curiosity and hatred for Jimin consumed him; he wants to put Jimin in his place.

     Park Jimin
     Age: 21
     Parents: Dead
     Relatives: Grandfather (Park Jooseok)
     Past locations: House with parents (0-12), apartment (12-18), unknown (18-now)

"Wait, why has it not been recorded where he has been these past years?" Jungkook questions, knowing something was off and this was the key to opening Jimin's past.

"Well, I did some searching, and found that his grandfather was the one who took him out of the hospital after you almost killed him," Yoongi adds.

"Why didn't I realize this before! Park Jooseok is the leader of the Park mafia, shit, so was Jimin training with the mafia this whole time?" Jungkook replies.

"So where do you think Jimin was then?"

"Training to become the next mafia boss!" Jungkook exclaims, but then he realizes something, "why would they choose him, he seems the least fit for this job. Unless he was forced to, then that would explain all of his scars and the tears let out from being tortured!" I just figured out your biggest secret Jimin, and you are going to regret ever messing with me again.

Yoongi is still kind of confused, "Soooooooo, what does this mean?"

Disbelief covers Jungkook's face, "It means we can use this against him and make him go insane, in the end submitting to our every want. We aren't going to tell him that we know, but instead we are just going to continue on with our plan of torturing him and making him so called "scared" until that fear becomes a reality.

Jungkook turns on his computer and looks at the camera placed in the room Jimin is in, paying close attention to his every movement and behavior. He seems to be playing off the "fear" well, but he's not good at hiding his real emotions within his eyes. I can clearly see how dark and cold his dark brown eyes are filled with as if solid stone.

"This is going to be interesting..." Jungkook says as a smirk is slowly appearing on his face excited for what the future will hold. He then starts imagining all of the pain he can put Jimin in and these thoughts excite him. I will be able to paint him body with marks made by me.

Little does Jungkook know, Jimin is thinking of these exact same thoughts while he is "acting" and tied up in the other room.
I'm going to put Jungkook through hell once I get out of this stupid cramps room and gain their trust. How difficult is it to get them to fall for my acting skills, I mean I was told when I was younger I could win an award at the Oscars that's how good they are.

Apparently everyone Jimin met forgot to mention that he could not act with his eyes and his eyes always gave away the fact that he was acting (oops sry chimchim everyone still loves u tho)

While Jimin is thinking about this, his eyes start to drift off and he ends up in a very deep sleep.

(Jimin dream time wowowowowow we about to get into the one and only park Jimin's mind)

I wake up in a place that was unfamiliar to me, a fireplace is in this cabin-like house and I am lying on a couch. I am beyond confused until a man walks in who I instantly recognize, Jungkook.

"Hi baby," he says, walking closer to me with something behind his back. Then, out of a sudden, he pulls out this pretty bouquet of purple flowers, handing them to me with a cute bunny smile on his face.

"Awww these are so pretty, thank you Jungkook," why am I saying this! I can't even control what I am saying.

"Anything for my precious baby," Jungkook then hugs me.

"What to you want to do tonight kookie, movie-night?" Jimin-wait me?! asks with a smile on my face, ugh I'm being controlled here.

"I was thinking of doing a little something else ;)" Jungkook replies with a smirk.

As we go in to kiss, HELP ME PLEASE I DONT WANT TO KISS THIS MONSTER, Jungkook subtly pulls me into a headlock, holding a knife up to my throat while whispering, "I know what your plan was baby, and as much as this hurts me, this needs to be done."

Jungkook is about to kill me, making me want to kick him in the face, but of course I can not control my own dreams (big sad)

(Did y'all like the confusion Jimin was facing in this dream be I was confused myself while writing it oops lol)

Jimin suddenly wakes up with a jolt, fear consuming his body. I cannot let it get to the point where I become completely submissive and defenseless to Jungkook, so I am going to need to put an extra wall up between myself and the person I am acting to be, along with not allow myself to emotionally become attached to Jungkook. However, I will admit,

It was kind of hot...

Oop that was interesting to write. Anyways, hi, I'm back and should be able to update a little more because school is canceled at the moment due to Covid-19. Everyone please stay safe and healthy, also please practice social distancing no matter how boring it is. Now, back to my shocked self. 15 THOUSAND READS, YALL ARE CRAZY ONCE AGAIN. I CANNOT EXPRESS HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU ALL AND HOPE FOR THE BEST OF U IN LIFE!
-Avery 💜

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