Chapter 16 - The Wait

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Ok y'all I'm v sorry for not updating for like the past year, junior year was a lot more difficult than I had expected, but I survived :) I'm going to try to finish this story this summer for u guys hehe, so please be patient. I finally mustered up the courage to continue writing lmao, so ty for waiting

But also, 43 thousand fucking reads, wha—, like what, I'm serious why do u guys like my story? Not that I mind lmao, I'm j v thankful. On that note, let's get back into this story that I've basically forgotten all about :)))
The most painful thing for Yoongi was waiting. Jungkook barely ever went out alone, so Yoongi knew he needed to wait a while for Jungkook to trust Yoongi being home alone with Jimin.

But poor Yoongi, every daybed sat on the couch wondering if there was a way to speed up his plan and break Jimin free. However, he knew with 6 people in the house that doing so would be impossible without Jungkook's trust.

Yoongi would just sit there, watching Jimin on a screen, watching Jimin cry to himself, watching him slowly break, watching him lose the fire in his eyes.
———————(3 months later)———————
Jungkook had been happy with his progress. Jimin was now completely broken, not even responding when Jungkook when down into the basement anymore. Jungkook has succeeded, well at least he thought he had. His trust for Yoongi had built up, and now he could comfortably leave Jimin alone with Yoongi.

However, on this day everything was going to change.

"Guys I'm leaving on a mission," Jungkook shouted to everyone. "I'll be back in a few days, please be safe everyone."

"This is the day," Yoongi thought. "This is the day I've waited for." Yoongi sat in pain for what felt like years for this day to come. He could finally break Jimin out once everyone went to sleep. However, this day felt terribly long. Yoongi had to make sure the others wouldn't become suspicious of him, so he tried his best to act normally around the others. And what did he do best that would make the others think he was fine?


So Yoongi slept all day, causing no one to worry about him because he always sleeps. Always.

When Yoongi woke up at 9 pm, he had expected everyone to already be asleep, but luck wasn't on his side. When he walked downstairs, taehyung shouted with a large smile on his face, "Yoongi come and play a game with us!"

Yoongi replies, "But wouldn't you guys rather get your sleep because we have a large mission in the morning? We can't be extremely tired, or else we may make unnecessary mistakes."

"But it's game night," taehyung said with a frown :(

And this is how Yoongi was pulled into playing Candyland at 9 pm on one of the most important days of his life.
— a few hours later —
It was now 12 am, and Yoongi finally got everyone to go to sleep, thankfully. He was now ready to put his plan into action, one he thought so hard and carefully about.

First, Yoongi walked over to the door to the basement and typed in the code he had seen Jungkook type in so many times. Yoongi had made sure he memorized the code to undo the lock, so he could easily get access to the basement. After the door opened, Yoongi slowly made his way down the stairs so he wouldn't wake the other members up. Once he got to the bottom of the stairs, he whispered, "Jimin, Jimin, it's Yoongi."

Jimin looked up with fear in his eyes and screamed, "please don't hurt me, please don't, I can't take any more of this!"

This caused Yoongi to panic because he knew Jungkook was notified if any loud noises were made in the basement. Now, Yoongi had to hurry, he only had this one chance and now he may fail if he does not move fast enough.

Yoongi quickly said, "shhh, don't worry, I'm here to help you escape, so please me quiet and cooperate or else we won't ever escape."

Jimin opened his eyes widely with hope in them, letting Yoongi get close to him and untie the ropes around him.

While Yoongi was doing this, a speaker turned on with Jungkook's voice, "Yoongi! What the fuck are you doing?! You better stop and pray that I don't get home before you escape." This caused Yoongi to worry, he knew he only had so much time to help Jimin escape now, so he worked his ass off quickly. Yoongi pulled the now limp Jimin onto his back, so he could carry him as they went towards the stairs.

Yoongi worked so fast that he made it upstairs right as the other members were waking up from the alarm that is now going off. Yoongi shoved Jimin into a closet while Taehyung asked, "What's going on?! Is someone inside?!"

Yoongi replied, "No, I think someone is outside in the backyard! You guys go check it out now while I'll watch the front porch." The members all followed Yoongi's orders because they all trusted him, haha, something they shouldn't have done.

As the members went out back, Yoongi pulled Jimin out of the closet and put him back on his back while he ran out the front door and into one of their cars. Yoongi threw Jimin into the back seat, feeling bad about how harsh he was, but he knew saving Jimin was more important than gettin recaptured. Yoongi then jumped into the drivers seat and raced out of the driveway and down the seat. As he was leaving their driveway, he spotted Jungkook's car, so he went even faster and turned the other way.

Jungkook was racing after him while trying to shoot his tires, but after a while Yoongi lost sight of Jungkook's car. Despite this, Yoongi did not slow down because he knew he was still not safe, so he kept on driving down the highwaygoing 100+ mph (I do not condone speeding j to lyk haha).

After a while, Yoongi spotted a different car sitting in a parking lot, so he traded cars and hurried off because he knew Jungkook could track the car he was in. He switched cars a few more times for safety measure, and finally arrived at a motel (I also don't condone stealing😅 ok basically I don't condone anything that is happening in this book).

Yoongi carefully pulled Jimin out of the car as they hobbled into their room that Yoongi paid for in cash, and Yoongi carefully laid Jimin down on the bed while whispering, "You are finally safe Jimin, you are finally safe."
Haha sry this chapter is probably not the best, but it's all I could think of writing. I hope you liked this chapter, and please like and comment :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2021 ⏰

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