For Them(TodoKami)

Start from the beginning

Masato nodded his head.

Shoto then picked up Masato and walked towards his car, and once there he buckled Masato in, he went to the driver's seat and started the car. But before they left, Shoto texted Denki, telling him that they were on their way home.

"So how was your day Masato?" Shoto asked.

"It was really good! We did all kinds of stuff today!"Masato replied, then further explained everything that happened during his day at daycare.

Soon they were in a bit of traffic, Shoto looked through his rear view mirror at his son, Masato was still talking about his day but Shoto didn't care because he absolutely loved both of his children. He started to look at the resemblances of him and Denki in Masato, Masato had bright yellow hair like Denki, but it had white tips from Shoto, Masato also had hetero-chromatic eyes like Shoto, but instead of grey and blue, it was grey and yellow a perfect mixture between both parents in Shoto's opinion.

The traffic was taking forever to move, so Shoto decided to call Denki to tell him to start cooking dinner because he didn't know when they'd get home, but Denki didn't answer so he called again, but still nothing. But after the fifth time Shoto was starting to lose patience, he gripped the steering wheel and an annoyed aura appeared around him. Shoto started to think of scenarios of why Denki didn't answer, which consisted of Denki running away with Kibou and of the like, but his thoughts were broken by the voice of his son,


Shoto looked at the rear view mirror again, "Yes?"

"Are you okay?" Masato asked.

"Yes. I'm just wondering why Daddy isn't picking up my calls." Shoto replied.

"He's probably taking care of Kibou!" Masato exclaimed.

"A-ah you're probably right." He never took into consideration that Denki could be taking care of their second son, and felt foolish because of it. So then he decided to text Denki they were going to be late, and to call him when he could.


Shoto and Masato had finally arrived home, and as soon as Shoto opened the door he heard Masato shout, "DADDY WE'RE HOME."

Shoto expected Denki to come and say hi to them, but they were met with silence, which irked Shoto. Shoto and Denki were going to have a talk later, but as he was planning what he was going to say, he heard soft snores.

Confused, he walked to the source and then he saw Denki lying on the couch, his hand holding onto Kibou who was on his chest. Shoto smiled at the sight, but frowned as he got closer, there were bags under Denki's eyes, and he knew it was probably from taking care of a four month old and a four almost five year old, by himself. He felt guilty because he wasn't around as much as he wanted to be as a result of him being a full-time hero, he tried to help by picking up Masato from school-unless there was an emergency-but other than that he realized he wasn't doing what he promised(reference to the last line of the first part).

'I'll take next week off to help out.' Shoto thought(he was the boss of his agency so he had the power to do that).

Shoto then brushed some hair out of Denki's face and heard the said person groan. Denki then looked up at Shoto sleepily, "Sho..?"

Shoto's pulled his hand back, "I'm sorry I woke you."

Denki yawned, "It's okay..."

"I was calling you, why didn't you answer?" Shoto asked.

Denki was confused, "You did? When?"

"About an hour and a half ago." Shoto replied.

Denki scratched his cheek in embarrassment, "I'm sorry, I must've slept through it."

"Now that's fine, you look like you need sleep. I'll go get dinner ready, you relax." Shoto reassured him.

"You sure?" Denki questioned.

"Yes." Shoto stated.

Denki started to doze off, "Okay."

"I love you Denki." Shoto whispered,

"I love you too Shoto." Denki replied, then he fell asleep.

Shoto then noticed a blanket on a chair next to the couch, so then he grabbed it and carefully laid it over Denki and Kibou, so that he wouldn't wake them up. But before he made his way to the kitchen he went back to the couch and kissed both Denki's and Kibou's foreheads, then went to make dinner.

Sure how their family came to be wasn't in the most preferred way, and they had their up and down moments, but neither would trade their family for the world.


Meaning of the kid's names:

Masato - justice 

Kibou - hope  


Aight that's the end! I didn't kill anyone in this one!

Kaminari: But weren't you going to write the part that if I didn't turn into a girl Todoroki would kill my parents?

Spirit-Chan: U-um no... Of course not...

Kaminari: *narrows eyes* Don't lie, you know you were going to.

Spirit-Chan: Well uhh onto the fluff!

Kaminari: Don't ignore me!

Spirit-Chan: Bye readers! *Bolts away*

Kaminari: GET BACK HERE *Runs after Spirit-Chan*

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