🇺🇲 4th of July *Special (Part 3)* 🇺🇲

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-McGarrett Home-

Ring Ring Ring

Steve- I opened my eyes and looked at the time. It read 12:30 am. I picked up my phone, and the caller ID read Duke Lukela.

Phone call......

Steve- "Hey Duke"

Duke- "We have a case over at Waikiki beach."

Steve- "Alright, I'm on my way."

End of phone call.....

Steve- I got out of bed and changed into work clothes. I grabbed my keys, wallet, phone, and gun off the dresser. I headed into Lissy's room to check on her. I open the door and see her under the covers sleeping. I close the door and head downstairs. I see Junior downstairs putting his shoes on. "Hey Junior"

Juns- "Hey Steve"

Steve- "Do you want to ride together or separate"?

Juns- "I'm going to go pick up Tani so separate."

Steve- "Ok. See you there," Junior heads out the door before me. I make sure the house alarm system is on before I leave. I head outside to my truck and drive to Waikiki beach.

-Waikiki Beach-

Steve- I drive up and see Danny, Lou, Adam, and Quinn already there. "Hey guys," I said as I walk up to them.

Adam- "Hey, boss."

Lou- "Hey Steve"

Quinn- "Hey"

Danny- "Hi Steve"

Steve- I already sensed something was wrong. "Is there something I should know"?

Adam- " So you know how we got called down for a case"?

Steve- "Yes,"?

Danny- "Well, when I arrived here, Duke pulled me aside and told me that he saw someone here."

Steve- "Who"?

Lou, Adam, Danny, and Quinn- (no response)

Steve- "Who did Duke see here"? I asked getting impatient

Danny- " Lissy"

Steve- "Lissy"?

Adam- " Yeah"

Steve- "She can't be here. She is at home" Not wanting to believe it, but I do kinda believe him

Lou- "She is here Steve," I said

Steve- "Where is she"? I asked

Danny- "She is currently sitting in my car," I said

Steve- "I'll go talk to her. You guys go find out more information on the case. I'll join you guys in a few minutes" I said

Danny- "You could go straight home" I suggested

Steve- "No. I'll join you guys after I talk to Lissy," I said, then heading toward Dannys' car. As I walked towards his car. I was trying to control my anger.


Lissy- I'm currently sitting in Uncle Dannys' car and waiting for my Dad to come. Uncle Danny took my phone from me when he got me from the police car. Boy, he wasn't too happy to find me there.


Lissy- "Hi Uncle Danny," I said when he opened the police back door

Danny- "Why Allyssa"? I asked when I saw her sitting there in handcuffs.

Lissy- I shrugged my shoulders.

Danny- "Let's go," I said

Lissy- I got out of the car with help from Uncle Danny.

Danny- I motioned to the police officer who was next to the car who was watching her take off her handcuffs.

Lissy- I was happy to have the handcuffs off of me. I looked up and saw Uncle Danny, not happy.

Danny- "Hand me your phone."

Lissy- "What? Why"?

Danny- "Because I said so."

Lissy- "You are not my Dad."

Danny- "I may not be your Dad, but your Dad gave me to parent you any way I see fit. Now give me your phone" I said with my hand out.

Lissy- I rolled my eyes and handed him my phone and then followed him to his car.


Danny- "You are going to wait in here until your Dad comes. You are not to leave this car for any reason. Do you understand"?

Lissy- "Yeah"

Danny- "Lissy"

Lissy- "Yes Uncle Danny"

End of flashback....

Lissy- I looked out of Uncle Danny car and saw my Dad truck pull up. He gets out and walks towards where the team were standing waiting for him. They start discussing something. I see my Dad facial expressions change from normal to very angry within seconds. They must have told him about me. From what I could tell he was extremely unhappy and he was furious. Next thing I know is that he is walking towards me. Looking very very very angry What should I do? Try to sneak away and run away or stay here and feel his wrath?

 Looking very very very angry What should I do? Try to sneak away and run away or stay here and feel his wrath?

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Will Lissy stay or will she try to sneak away

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On what level of angriness do you think Steve is at by his facial expression?


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Steve McGarrett Daughter (Book 2)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt