Again??? 4

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Lissy- I looked up and saw my Dad standing there with his arms crossed against his chest looking extremely angry......uh oh.


Lissy- "hi daddy," I said quickly closing the laptop and getting up slowly while still looking at him

Dad- I kept looking at her with my arms crossed

Lissy- I moved around his desk to the chairs and stood in front of him

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Lissy- I moved around his desk to the chairs and stood in front of him.

Dad- I turned around and leaned against the desk.

Lissy- I slowly sat down. Not knowing if I should say something or not.

Dad- "I thought I made it clear that you weren't allowed to use my laptop"? I asked

Lissy- " Ummmmm"

Dad- "Did I or didn't I"?

Dad- "Did I or didn't I"?

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Lissy- (no response)

Dad- " I asked you a question"

Lissy- (no response)

Dad- "I'm waiting Allyssa"

Lissy- "You told me not to go on your laptop"

Dad- "Then why did I come in here and find you on the laptop"?

Dad- "Then why did I come in here and find you on the laptop"?

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