Again??? 3

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-In The Car-

Lissy- I placed my earbuds into my ears and turned on some music. Hopefully, it would drown out my Dad if he decides to talk. I stared out the window and watched as we drove past houses and trees etc. I guess you would say I daydream a lot. My Dad doesn't appreciate it but oh well. I look over at my Dad and see him just concentrating on driving. I could tell by his face that he was angry. Probably how this morning went and also what happened yesterday. Part of me wished I didn't steal but another part of me doesn't care. I mean it wasn't that big of a deal. My Dad on the other hand thinks it's a big deal. Probably because this wasn't the first time it happened. Anyways I know I'm in deep shit with my Dad. But come on! I'm a teenager. Teenagers get into trouble. It's not like it won't happen. My Dad makes it seems like I can't get into trouble. But it comes with the territory of having a teen. I felt a tap on my leg so I look over at my Dad.

Dad- "We are here," I said as I parked the truck and turned off the engine.

Lissy- I looked around and saw that we made it to the palace. Guess time flies when you thinking to yourself and daydreaming. I unbuckle my seat belt and got out of the truck. I grabbed my backpack and followed him in.


Lissy- I plopped myself down onto the couch inside my Dad's office.

Dad- "Stay in here and don't move," I said grabbing some files off my desk

Lissy- "I know Dad," I said rolling my eyes

Dad- "Hey, no need for the attitude," I said sternly

Dad- "Hey, no need for the attitude," I said sternly

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Lissy- "Ugghhh," I said rolling my eyes again

Dad- "Allyssa McKenzie"

Lissy- "What"?

Dad- "Hand me your phone"

Dad- "Hand me your phone"

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Lissy- "What? Why"?

Dad- " Because it's part of your punishment"

Lissy- "Why am I being punished"?

Dad- " For what happened yesterday"

Lissy- "What did I do yesterday to deserve being punished"?

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