Taken...pt 7

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Junior- I looked in the corner of the house and saw a piece of thread coming from partly under the rug on the floor. I knelt and pulled the rug back. "Steve"

Steve- I walked over to where Junior was and saw that there was a section of the floor that had a trap door. "What's this," I said pointing to the trapped door

Ian- I remained silent

Steve- "Tell me"!

Ian- No response

Steve- I knelt again and pulled the latch open. It leads down a staircase to the bottom of the house.

Steve- I then motioned Danny to follow me down the staircase. It lead to a door at the bottom of the staircase and I slowly turned the door knob.


Lissy- I hear footsteps coming down the steps. I hid beside the bed not knowing what to do. I hear my name be called. I got scared and yelled, " Leave me alone"!

Steve- "Lissy it's me"

Lissy- "Go away" I yelled

Steve- I went over to where Lissy was. I saw Lissy standing next to the bed. I quickly went over to where she was. I tried to hug her but stopped when she continued to hit me and yell at me.

Lissy- "No Aaron. Go away. Stop. Let me go!!"

Steve- Hearing her say those words instantly broke my heart. "Lissy it's Daddy".

Lissy- "Daddy"?! I cried

Steve- " I'm here. Your safe now"

Lissy- I pulled away and looked up. I saw my Dads face with tears streaming down his face.

Steve- "Are you hurt"?

Lissy- I shook my head nom I instantly hugged him back and tightly held onto him. I started to cry harder

Steve- I wrapped my arms around her and said "Shhh...I got you"

Lissy- I started to ball my eyes out. I was so happy to see my Dad.

Steve- I started to stroke her head. I then noticed she was chained up. Which made my blood boil even more. "I'm going to go get the key to unlock the chain on you"

Lissy- "No! Don't leave me"! I cried into his shoulder

Steve- I looked over to where Danny was standing.

Danny- " I'll go get the key," I said then left after seeing Steve's look.

-A few moments later-

Danny- I come back down and see Steve and Lissy sitting on the bed. I handed Steve the key and he unlocked the lock.

Lissy- I then noticed Danny was standing there. I ran over to where he was and hugged him.

Danny- My heart broke as she hugged me. I knelt and hugged her back tightly. I was happy and relieved that we were able to find Lissy and that she was alive.

Lissy- I let go of Danny and I went back to where my Dad was sitting. I climbed onto his lap and closed my eyes. I smelled his cologne. I smiled.

Steve- "Let's go, sweetie"

Lissy- I nuzzled against him indicating to him that I wanted him.

Steve- I handed Danny my rifle and then picked up Lissy and she wrapped her legs around my waist and rested her head on my shoulder.

Danny- I followed behind Steve as we walked up the steps up to the main floor.


Steve- The team was smiling and had tears in their eyes as we came up. I motioned to Danny to follow me. I took Lissy out of the house and towards my truck.

Lissy- As we walked out of the house my eyes squinted. Once my eyes adjusted I noticed cops' cars, SWAT cars, and the team's cars were all there. My Dad opened his truck and told me was going to set me down. I shook my head no and continued to hug him.

Steve- "I'll be right back Lissy. Danny is going to stay with you until I come back."

Lissy- "No Daddy, don't leave me"

Steve- "I'll be right back Lissy. I promise" Danny climbed into the truck from the other side.

Lissy- "Dad"

Steve- "Allyssa"

Lissy- I knew that I should probably listen to him. So I let go of him and then rested my head against Danny's shoulder. He rubbed my back and my eyes started to close.


Steve- "Duke can you bring him to the station and get him processed'?

Duke- " Of course"

Steve- "Thanks"

Duke- "No problem" I then had my team bring him out to the squad cars.


Steve- I thanked the police and the SWAT team for being there and helping me out. Then all left once we knew we were good. My team and I walked out of the house and stood around. " I'm bringing Lissy to the hospital to get her checked out"

Tani- "I will be by later to say hi to her"

Junior- "Same here"

Quinn- "I will too"

Adam- "Me too"

Lou- "My wife and I will be over later as well"

Steve- "Thank you everyone for helping me"

Adam- "Of course Steve. We are always here for you"

Steve- "Thank you," I said goodbye to the team. Danny and I then took Lissy to the hospital to get her checked out. Everything was good and I was able to take her home.

That's the end of this series I hope you guys enjoyed it.

Comment below any ideas you have for the upcoming chapters....

Authors Note....

There are only FIVE more chapters left in this book!!

Any suggestions for the last chapters???

Comment below and let me know!!

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